The Stanly Hotel Pt2

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Once back in our hotel room we all decide to take a nap. Corey is the first to fall asleep then Aaron and Jake
"Guys" I whisper getting Sam and Colbys attention "you remember my friend Jennifer? You know the girl I went to collage with"
"Yeah?" Sam says in more of a question as if to tell me to continue
"Well she's not far from here and I had an idea earlier. We prank Corey, Jake and Aaron with the help of Jen"
"So that knocking and banging was her?"
"No. She's not here yet but I'm going to message her to bump into us and act all creepy"
"I'm in" Colby says nodding his head
"Me too" I take my phone and start filming
"Hi everyone welcome back to my channel. Today we are at the stanly hotel for Sam and Colbys channel but for my video we are pranking Aaron, Jake and Corey" I carry on talking to my phone about the plan and then I  cuddle up to Corey on the couch. After a little nap I'm woken up to a bang which makes me jump
"Babe did you hear that?" I ask as Corey sits up
"Yeah it came from the closet" I notice everyone else is now awake
"What was that?" Sam asks picking up the camera. Corey walks over to the closet
"Did it sound like this?" Corey asks slamming the door
"Yeah it went bang like that" I say
"Could it have been someone outside?" Aaron asks walking towards the door. He opening it up "there's not even a door there" Aaron turns back towards us
"No way" Colby sounds a little weirded out
"This is so weird" I breath out. We then hear another bang
"Dude it just happened again" Jake points to the cupboard. Corey opens the door to look and sees the hangers moving
"Yo what the fuck"
"Could it be because you opened the door fast?" Colby asks
"No bro last time they..."
"The camera isn't focusing" Sam says
"No it's not no it's not" Corey jumps up and down freaking out
"No bro look" Sam shows Corey the camera
"Look at my arms I've got chills"
"Tbf I'm freezing right now" I say
"Seriously? It's not that cold" Colby says
"Look I've got goosebumps" I show my arm "why is this all happening now like it's still day time" I say hugging Corey
"There was construction men on the roof maybe it was them because we are on the top floor" Sam says
"Yeah maybe but like if we hear that shit in the night I'm gone" I raise my eyebrows
"Should we use the spirit box?" Sam asks
"We should do it at the stairs where that  vortex is" I say and Corey looks at me scared
"Seriously YN? Like that's gonna be scary" Aaron says
"We'll be fine. Let's go" I head towards the door
"She's definitely your sister" I hear Sam chuckle. I text Jen to make her way to the stanly and we leave to go to the stairs first where the vortex is. Sam turns on the spirit box
"Ok so let's just have one person talk" Colby says pointing the camera at Corey and Sam then we here a voice come through
"I swear that just said 'no others'" I say
"I heard that to" Sam says
"No others is that what it said?" Corey asks and another voice comes through
"It said yeah" Colby whisper yells
"Ok that's weird" I say
"It was a woman again" Corey says freaked out
"And theres only one portrait of a woman up there" Aaron points and we all turn to look then another voice comes through
"Did it just say look at that as you turned the camera Colby?" I ask wide eyed
"What the... and the voice sounds the same each time like it sounds like the same person talking" Corey says jumping up and down. We take the spirit box up to the painting of the woman and a few voices come through but we are unable to tell what they're saying. Jake takes the spirit box
"My names Jake, I don't know your name" the same woman's voice comes though saying I don't care
"I don't care" Colby says laughing
"It's that what it said?" Corey asks
"Oh my god did Jake just get roasted by a ghost" I laugh
"Guys your not meant to joke around"
"I mean I know said I believe it the paranormal but like I'm still sceptical about things, like....." this time a male voice comes though
"It is real. It just said that and you were talking about being sceptical" we go to room 217 which is meant to be super haunted. We hear knocks and a few voices come through on in particular that scares Colby and I, at one point it said get off the property. Jake ends up dropping the spirit box and braking it so. I message Jen to start walking to wards us and we end up walking back to our room
"I'm sorry, I just feel like I've seen you before" Jen says, here we go
"Errm well we do YouTube and stuff" Sam says
"No. Did you do videos before that?"
"Vine?" Corey asks
"Yeah maybe vine at oak park mall?" She asks
"What? Yeah yeah we lived in Kansas"
"Oh same that's so cool" she says "Im just about to move to La. I'm an actress"
"That's crazy we all live in LA now as well" Sam says
"Well it was nice meeting you" Corey says
"This is like my favourite place, I feel very relaxed here" this makes Corey and Aaron nervously laugh
"Can we film you" Colby asks
"Sure I'm Jennifer"
"I'm Sam, this is Corey, Jake, Colby and Natalia"
"Hi it's nice to meet you"
"You too" I wink at her
"Hey so we're just gonna walk around so if you wanna join you can" Sam says and Corey shifts uncomfortably
"The 4th floor has a lot of children spirits and they like to mess with the people on that floor. They especially like room 428"
"Oh fuck off" I say "bye I'll see you guys back in LA" I say walking off, kinda impressed with my acting skills
"Huh?" I hear Jake say
"That's our room dumb ass" I say walking back to the boys
"There's a cowboy in that room and he likes to kiss woman on the forehead and play with their hair when they're asleep" Sam moves the camera to face me and I hear him zoom in on my face
"Damn I'm getting jealous of a ghost" Corey jokes
"At least your not in 401. There's an Irish man in there and he likes to touch girls necks and pull their hair" Jen shrugs
"So he's a kinky spirit?" Jake says
"Ok I'm kinda freaking out now" I walk over to Corey who pulls me in for a hug. We start to walk down to the basement. I walk next to Aaron and
"Shes low-key kinda scary" Aaron says whispers
"I'm kinda uncomfortable with her being around" I whisper back
"Yeah same. Like who just walks around a haunted hotel on her own and feels at peace here?" Corey says freaked out.

Immediately walking in the basement I feel like I'm about to throw up. Now this is genuine. I actually feel sick. I lean on the wall as Colby and Sam look around
"Baby are you ok?" Corey asks
"Mmm let me just sit down a minute" I slide down on to the floor
"Do you want a drink?" Jake asks and I just nod my head. Jake goes into Sams back pack and gets a bottle out while Jennifer is telling the boys about Lucy and how she was a runaway who lived in the basement. She was then thrown out into the cold and passed away "here you go" Jake can be the most immature person I know but at the same time one of the most caring it's like a switch in is head tells him when to be serious
"Guys I think we should make it quick YN doesn't look well at all" Aaron says to the others
"YN what's wrong?" Colby asks walking over to me
"I just feel super weak, cold and sick"
"Hmm we'll make it quick" Sam says giving me a smile. Corey helps me up and hugs me
"You ok?" he asks
"I'll be fine" Corey kisses the top of my head then takes out his phone to take photos
"What is that?" Corey says looking on his phone
"What?" I ask
"That line. Is it..." Corey starts then swiped through the pictures "it's only in that picture" Corey yells "what the fuck is that?"
"Babe calm down maybe it's just a glare"
"But I took these back to back. No one moved or anything" Corey starts to take more photos. I then hear him gasp and start quick walking out of the room
"What?" Sam yells following Corey
"I caught a little kid peeking around the chair" Corey says as we reach outside
"What are you serious?" I say running over to him
"No you didn't" Aaron says shocked
"Look bro" we all take a look at his phone and sure enough there's a face
"Yeah that's Lucy" Jennifer says then walks off
"Oh fuck" Jake says
"What?" Sam yells
"Naaa. I'm done nope don't like that" I say walking over to Jen
"Did you set that up?" I whisper
"No. I promise you I didn't. I'm kinda getting scared myself now. I don't know if it was Lucy or not but that was definitely something" I run back over to the boys and whisper to Sam "that wasn't Jen" I walk over t Corey and hug him. We decide to walk back to our room
"Guys Jennifer is gonna peace out" Colby says
"Before you do I have a confession. Jen is actually a friend of mine from college. She's here for a photo shoot and I asked her to help me prank you guys. Sam and Colby were in on it but all Jen did was scared you guys to make you think she was creepy. Everything we've seen of heard was real"
"Well you definitely creeped me out" Corey says
"Yeah same. Your both really good actors" Aaron says relived that Jen isn't a crazy person
"I wasn't to scared to be honest" Jake says shrugging. I give Jen a hug and she walks off as we get in our room.

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