Who Is The Murderer?

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This one is kinda based of Sams murder mystery videos, this is based in the new TRAP house with the whole friendship group. YN and Colby are dating in this one.

"What's up guys it's your boy Sam back at you with another video. I have got a lot of people here with me today we are going to be playing murder mystery. So there's going to be a murderer, a detective and civilians. The aim is to stay alive unless you are the murder you need to kill people using these nerf guns. You need to find the bullets I've hidden around" Sam continues to tell the camera how to play the game while I sit on Colbys lab playing with his rings. After Sam explains the game we find out if we are the murderer, the detective or a civilian. We then take our nerf guns and wait outside until Sam comes to get us
"So who's the murder so I know who to avoid" I ask laughing
"Me I'm going to kill you all" Jake says pointing his gun at me, Colby stand in front of me pretending to try and protect me
"Well I'm the detective so I'm going to kill you" Colby points his gun to Jake
"Ok are you ready?" Sam comes outs with his camera in his hand. We all shout yes and run into the house
"Baby follow me" Colby says head up the stairs
"No I don't trust you you could be the murder, you could be trying to get me alone so that you can kill me" I start laughing and running away from him into the cinema room, passing Reggie and Kevin on the way. I look around trying to find a bullet
"Hey YN have you found a bullet yet?" Jake says walking in
"No now go away, I don't trust you" Jake walks over to me "no Jake"
"Im not the murderer, if I was I would have killed you but its not me. Is it you?"
"What no" I look under one of the seats and find a bullet. I run out the room passing Kat and Tara squealing. I run upstair to mine and Colby's room and see Griffin lying on the floor meaning that he is out of the game
"Ahhh someone killed Griffin, he's dead" I yell, Colby comes out of the bathroom "It's Colby, he's the murderer" I scream running down the stairs, Colby following me
"No baby it's not me I promise"
"You were up here though"
"So were you. I didn't see him in our room so maybe your the murderer" Colby points his gun at me
"Its not YN because I saw her running up the stairs then she shouted that Griffin was dead" Tara says
"That means nothing. She could have killed him then yelled that to try and throw us off"
"Thats true" Kat says coming over to us. I now have Kat, Tara and Colby pointing their guns at me
"Its not me I promise"
"Guys Jakes dead" Reggie yells coming over to us from the Cinema room
"See its not me"
"But you and Jake were in their together though. I saw him go in after you" Kat says
"It's not me" I yell trying not to laugh "fine shoot me if you don't believe me"
"Guys come on you need to spread about" Sam says. I use this opportunity to run away to the games room. I see Kevin and Aria
"Are you two tag teaming?" I question
"Yeah so if one of us dies then the other will know who the murderer is" Kevin replies. I manage to find another bullet and run to the living room
"Babe have you got a bullet?" I ask Colby who was searching the couch
"Here I got 2" I give Colby a bullet then run upstair passing Devyn. Xepher comes out of my room as I go into Sam's room and see Cassie on the floor
"Cassie's dead" I say running out of the room
"Colby's dead" I hear Kat yell, I run down to her in the kitchen. Reggie and Corey are both in there
"Ok who do we think it is?"
"I think still think it's YN"
"It's not me. It's either Xepher or Devyn. As I went upstairs I passed Devyn, she was coming down and Xepher came out of my room"
"No you've either found the murders or you have been in that area not long before"
"It's not me, but go on shoot me see what happens" I say. Kat shoots me and everyone watches. I lie down "I was a civilian you idiots, I told you it wasn't me" I slightly laugh
"Wheres Xepher?" Kat asks
"It's either Xepher or Devyn" Devyn runs through as Kat shoots her
"Yeah it was me" I hear Devyn laugh. I stand up
"I KNEW IT" I shout pointing at Devyn. Sam then wraps up the video after a couple more round of the game and we then eat pizza and watch movies.

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