Girlfriend Vs Best Friend Pt2

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YN and Colby are dating and have been for a year. YN, Sam and Colby all grew up together and YN lives in the trap house with all the guys
Colby and I have been dating now for a year, we recently told his viewers which caused a mixed reaction. Some where excepting of me and super happy that Colby and I were together, whereas others took a little longer to get use to the idea and come around. Some still haven't and still send me hate, but I try to ignore it the best I can. I have my best friends around me and that is all that matters.
Today Colby, Sam and and I are filming a who knows me the best video. Sam Colby and I are sat on the couch (Colby obviously in the middle)
"what's up guys its Colby Brock and today I'm joined with my beautiful girlfriend YN and Sam. They've known me the same amount of time and we've basically always been around each other so there's no excuses in not knowing the answers" Colby says while looking in the camera "the winner gets the title of best friend"
"what does the loser get?" Sam asks
"they have to let me tweet off their phone" 
"oh no" I say laughing and hitting the palm of my hand on to my forehead
"right first question. What's my favourite type of food?"Both Sam and I think for a minute "Thai?"  I say but in more of a question type of way
"no it's obviously BBQ. How often does Colby have Thai?"
"we had it last night Sam"
"Guys it's just a game. Sam got it right but I do really like Thai. Favourite place to eat?"
"chipotle" Sam says without giving me time to even register what Colby had said
"nope. YN where is my favourite place to eat?"
"Oh easy tenda greens?"
"YN got it. What's my birth sign?"
"what? I barley know mine. Errm" Sam says I roll my eyes because I know what it is
"yes how did you know?"
"I just remembered from a conversation we had when we were talking to a psychic"
"do you know mine?" Sam asks
"name something I hate"
"sams nipples" I say while laughing
"hey. That's a sensitive topic for me. But you hate when someone will say they will text back or call back in 5 minutes but they don't"
"yes that really bothers me and a certain person in this house does that" Colby looks over at me. My eyes widen and I sink into the couch
"what? It's not my fault I can fall asleep in seconds"
"hmmmm I think it's more like you forget" Sam adds
"ok ok I get it. I'm easily distracted"
"last question what scares me"
"being cheated on"
"it sucks balls" as we wrap up the video Corey and Jake come over to the living room from the movie room. As it's getting late Colby and I decide to take our shared dog Bear on a walk.

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