Stepdad Pt4

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Colby's POV
YN gave birth 3 days ago to a healthy baby boy who we named Noah. Last night he didn't sleep well and YN was up most of the night so she is currently sleeping on the couch. Sam and Kat are over right now to take Soph to school for us
"Hey Soph" Sam says walking through the door
"Hi Sam hi Kat" she says as she puts down her doll
"You ready for school?"
"Yep I just need to get my shoes on" Noah then starts crying again, I pick him up and check his diaper

I wake up to the sound of crying, I look over and see Colby and Soph changing Noah's diaper, I smile to myself
"Hey YN how are you feeling?" Kat comes over and sits by me
"Sore and tired, but he's worth every little pain and sleepless night" I look at the clock and realise Soph needs to leave for school "Soph go and get your shoes on"
"Ok mummy" Soph runs off to find her shoes
"You did well YN" Sam says tickling Noah
"Mummy where's my coat?" Soph calls
"Hanging up" after a few minutes Soph comes out ready for school
"Right have you got everything now?" Colby asks
"Yes bye mummy bye daddy I love you"
"Bye princess love you too. Thank you guys for taking her"
"It's no trouble at all" Kat hugs me and then stands up. Soph runs over to me and kisses my cheek, she does the same to Colby then leans down and gently kisses Noah on the nose
"I love you Noah" I smile as she walks out with Sam and Kat. Colby walks over to me with Noah in his arms
"He's got your eyes" I say looking into his bright blue eyes
"He's got your smile" I laugh
"He's to young to smile properly yet"
"Look his doing it now"
"Babe that's just what babies do. He probably won't smile for another 5 weeks"
"Maybe he's just an early bloomer" Colby chuckles. I look up at him smiling at his son
"I love you so much" I say, Colby looks at me
"I love you too"
For the rest of the day it's feeding, changing and sleeping for Colby and I. Finally it's time for Soph to come home from school. She runs in with her backpack on
"Mummy mummy guess what" she says running in, I'm folding the laundry as Noah asleep in his cot downstairs
"What princess?" Sam comes in laughing
"I got all of my spellings right and I've been given a new book to read"
"Well done sweetheart come here" I give her a hug "thank you for picking her up Sam"
"No problem, where's Colby?"
"Shower, someone was sick on him" I look over at Noah
"Eww mummy that's gross" Sam and I laugh
"Sam do you and Kat want to come over to tea? I was going to invite everyone over"
"Sure I'll go pick her up"
"Does that mean I get to say up late?"
"Because it's a Friday yes"
And that's what happened. Everyone came over for tea and games, Soph was able to stay up a little later than normal. Watching my friends cooing and holding Noah just warms my heart and of course Soph wasn't left out, everyone took turns in playing a game with her. I love my family and I love my friends, I will forever be grateful of the day Soph ran off in the shops into Colby's arms.

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