The Conjuring House Pt3

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I'm not going to write up the hide and clap we're just going straight back into the investigation.
Also I'm a little behind on writing hope you guys understand that updates are slow ❤️

We have just finished hide and clap, now we are sat at the table in the dining room of the conjuring house. I sat in between Corey and Corbin Elton starts the video and we make a deal that we are staying until sunrise
"Ok stay here I'm just gonna get something" Elton stands up and walks off
"What is he being in here?" Corey yells
"This is my 4th time filming with you guys and now I'm starting to get the thing that Elton's doing. He just brings you guys down to the ground. I can't trust Elton" Josh says
"Ahhh he catches on quick"
"Is this what he was like growing up?"
"Kinda" Elton walks back in holding a box
"Don't touch this. I doing it for a reason" the atmosphere changes, it becomes really dark and heavy in the room. Corey stands up while everyone is freaking out "do you know what this is?" he asks
"It's a fucking dybbuk box" I say shaking my head
"What's a dybbuk?" Corbin asks
"It was considered and is considered the 9th most haunted item I'm the world"
"Elton please put that down. Stop touching it" I say laced with concern
"Where did you get it?" Brandon asks
"This is Corey's it was in the house. We're only allowed to use this in the barn. That's why I'm only touching it and not setting it down"
"Elton please tell me we're not opening it. Look what happened to post malone and Zak Bagans"
"What happened?"
"They touched a dybbuk box and just loads of bad shit happened afterwards" I sigh
"The reason you never open one up is be the demons inside are looking to fulfill a mission. So typically when it's opened they seek a new carrier but the energy is still felt when the box is near by. I promise you we're not opening it. We're not opening that dybbuk box"
"Oh thank god" I sigh
"Wait do you not hear what he's doing? He's saying we're not opening that dybbuk box" Corey say putting an emphasis on the word 'that'
"Wait. Elton. Do you have another dybbuk box?" I yell at Elton who just looks at me smirking a little. Corey gets up and walks off
"I'll answer your question. I do not have another single dybbuk box"
"Oh so you have multiple?" I yell raising my eyebrows
"So this other dybbuk box is in a relationship?" Corey jokes making everyone laugh but me
"This isn't a good idea Elton"
"Let's head down to the basement, grab what we need then we will be back up here later" I shake my head at Elton ignoring my comment.

"You ok?" Corey asks once we get get into the basement
"I just have a bad feeling"
"It's weird seeing you like this. Normally your all up for this kinda thing"
"Not demons and dybbuk boxes. Like we have contacted some stuff Corey and after the Castle I learnt how carful we needed to be after talking to that demon. It was Queen Mary all over again and now...."
"I know" Corey puts his hands on my shoulder to try and calm me down "we know more than we did back then"
"Last year?" I chuckle
"Well yeah. We've learnt a lot. We will be ok" I nod my head and take a deep breath.

We put out candles and sit in a circle. I sit in between Elton and Corey still really nervous and apprehensive of what will happen. The rem pods start going off meaning that movement has been detected
"Anyone else noticed how cold it's just got?" I ask
"Yeah I noticed it as well" Corey says. Elton gets the spirit box out and turns it on putting it in the middle of the circle of candles
"If the spirit who set the other device off is still here could you use the spirit box that's in front of us to talk. Or use another piece of equipment. You can knock or use the candles"
"We traveled a long way to come here. We'd like to know it was worth our time" Elton says
"Something here" I said, just after I say that a voice comes through the spirt box saying 'I'm here'
"Did you guys hear that? It was a female voice saying I'm here" Corey say putting his hand in my shoulder to get my attention then removing it
"Yeah I heard it as clear as day" I say nodding. We sit listening for more voices to come through. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to see if it was Corey or Elton
"Did one of you tap me?" I ask pointing between them
"No" Elton shakes his head then a male voice comes through saying 'it was me'
"Dude did that say it was me?" Corbin asks. We turn the spirit box off and put out the K11 but nothing comes through.

We head over to the barn where the dybbuk box is. Josh put the spirit box on next to the box
"Do you want us to leave the barn?" Josh asks and what sounds like chanting comes though
"I really don't like this" I say scared
"Did that say we are farmers? And we're in a fucking barn" Corey yells 
"Wait it's changed station" Corbin  says and more words come through "come as you are"
"Are you ok with us being here?" Corey asks once again a voice comes the
"I like it?" Corbin almost questions. Music starts playing and we all start to nervously laugh
"What is going on?" I ask
"Normal just one word or short sentence will come out of the spirit box. Do you want us to bring the box inside. If you so stop at any station" Elton says. Once again words come through
Now take all
Already got
Kill you all
Thank you
We turn the spirt box off and Brandon suggests we should knock on the box to which everyone disagrees to do, except of course Elton who knocks on the box. Almost immediately my back hurt
"Ow" I hiss
"YN?" Corey turns to face me, he looks concerned "what's wrong?"
"My- my back it's on fire" my eyes start to water
"Can I look?" Corey asks and I nod my head. Corey lifts up my jumpers enough to look
"Elton come over here. Come and see what knocking has done to your sister" Corey says annoyed. Elton walks over and gasps
"What's wrong?" I ask
"It's bright red and you have a scratch down the middle. Here I'll take a photo" Elton takes a picture of my back and shows me
"Told you this wasn't a good idea" my voice shakes a little
"Are you ok?" Corbin asks
"Errr yeah just creeped out and sore but I'll be ok"
"Let's get out of here" Corey says and we all agree.

We walk back to the house and sit down at the table. I sit next to Corey and Corbin
"Corey you know how to do this" Elton says looking at Corey
"I haven't touched on of these since we were at Corey's place. And that went so wrong" I sigh
"What's our goal?" Elton asks
"I just want some names"
"I can't believe how chill your being. Like normally your the one yelling at us not to do this"
"Yeah that's true. You two have swapped. Normally Corey is the one saying not to do it and YN is the one who's usually up for all of this" Elton says frowning. I shrug my shoulder not knowing what to say. Corey explains how to do the ouija board. We put out fingers in the board and begin
"If there is anything here with us can you please move this planchette to yes" 
"Wait could there be to many people holding on?" I ask
"Yeah that's true. Let's just say goodbye then..." one of the devices starts beeping
"I doesn't want us to say goodbye. It started beeping when you said to say goodbye"
"Guys I really don't like this. I've got really bad vibes like whatever is here isn't here to play nice" I say scared. We say goodbye and take our fingers off and Elton goes to stop the beeping
"I feel like it wants to talk to one person in particular" I say staring at the planchette
"Who?" Corey asks and I lift my head up looking at Brandon
"You" Brandon shakes his head.
We try again and put our fingers back on the board. We close our eyes and start to ask questions
"Who are you? Can you spell your name?" It begins to move Josh who is spectating says that it's moved to an 'R' then an 'E' then 'D'
"Are you still here?" Corey asks and the planchette moves to an 'M' then a 'A' then 'D'
"The only combination I can get out of that is dear Ed" Elton says
"As in Ed Warren?" I question and Elton nods his head. The planchette moves again to 'Y' then 'C' then 'Y'
"Hey err guys do 3 circles" I look at Corey who looks like he's about to cry "now say goodbye" we move the planchette to goodbye and Corey gets up from his seat and he starts pacing
"What happened?" Elton asks
"Every time I play with an ouija board that happens. You guys have heard of Zozo right" I gasp realising where Corey is going with this
"It goes back and forth. It won't always hit  Z and a O. If it repeats letters then it's Zozo" my eyes begin to water
"I think we should go off in pares and see if we can get any other evidence" Elton suggest. Corey and I go off into a bedroom.

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