The Conjuring House Pt4

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It's freezing in the room. Corey gets the dowsing rods out and starts to ask questions and we begin to hear a clunking noise
"Corey I don't feel good" I put my hands in my head
"What room is that" Corey asks and I look
"The the birthing room"
"Do you want to go in there?"
"Sure" I sigh opening up the door. I sit down in the middle of the room
"I have a pain in my stomach. Like cramps but worse. And I feel like crying"
"Did you hear that click?" Corey asks me but I feel like I can't reply "YN?"
"Huh? What?"
"Are you ok?"
"Erm yeah sorry just feel weird" Corey stands next to me with the rods
"If you are a woman make these rods cross outwards, if your a man make them cross inwards" the rods cross out
"Ask if they died during childbirth"
"Ok did you die during child birth? Cross the outwards for yes cross in wards for no" they cross out
"Are you a good spirt? Make the rods cross inwards if you are a good spirit make them cross out if you a bad spirit" they cross out
"I think we're being lied to"
"I don't think whats here is either a male or female spirit. I don't think it was ever alive"
"You think it's a demon?" I nod my head. As Corey sighs
"That feeling I had earlier of a mixture of sadness and joy is gone. I just feel dark energy all around" I start tapping the floor with my fingers and humming see saw margery daw
"I don't think you should be in here"
"Because your not acting like yourself. Let's go" Corey helps me stand up and we leave the room. We go down stairs and meet up with the others who talk about what they experienced then it was our turn
"YN was just super weird up there. She wasn't acting like herself"
"I didn't feel like myself. I felt like something was using me as a vessel or at least trying to. I feel like when we went into the birthing room earlier whatever was there was trying to deceive us"
"Hey your safe ok?" Corey says and almost as if on cue a book flys across the room nearly hitting my face. I scream as Corey pulls me out the way before the book manages to hit me
"YN are you ok?" Elton asks
"I wanna go. I think whatever's here wants us to go" I say shaking as Corey tries to comfort me
"Ok let's turn the lights on and just do the outtro" Elton says.

We head to the car that is packed with all our things
"Wait YN can I talk to you for a second?" Corey asks
"Errr sure" I smile and we walk away from the car away from prying ears and eyes
"Are you ok? Like seriously are you ok?"
"Other than the scratch on my back and having a book thrown at me? I think so. Whatever's in there is evil"
"I'm glad your ok. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt on one of these trips"
"Your good friend Corey" I put my hand on his arm and smile
"Yeah friend"
"What's up?" I question seeing the domineer in his face change
"What if I like you more than friends? What if I want us to be a couple? But I get it you don't like me like that. Forget I said anything" Corey starts to walk off. Corey likes me?
"Wait" I yell and Corey turns around to face me. I walk back up to him smiling
"What if I said I feel the same way?" I ask. I watch Corey's face light up
"Then I'd do this" Corey pulls me in and slowly kisses me to which I kiss back before we're interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Both Corey and I look to see Elton stood staring at us with an unreadable expression
"So are you two a thing? Are you dating my sister?" Elton asks
"That's if she wants to. YN will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes of course Corey" I kiss his cheek
"So I guess I need to give you the whole big brother speech then" Elton crosses his arms while Corey and I look at him worriedly "you already know how much my sister means to me so you will know that if you break her heart I break you?"
"I'm aware" Corey nervously says
"Then I guess it's time to say... it's about damn time you two got together" Corey and I look at each other confused then back to Elton who's smiling "oh come on it's obvious you guys like each other. It doesn't matter where we are or who we're with but you two are always walking and talking to each other. I see the way you look at each other and so do the fans. I'm happy for you guys. Now get in the car we're gonna be late for our flight" Elton walks back into the conjuring house which confuses me but Corey and I walk back to the car hand in hand.

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