New Girl Pt1

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Today I go to my new school, something I'm pretty nervous. I was popular at my old school, head cheerleader but now I'm going to have to build my reputation back up. I'm running late on my first day, great, so I just put on some leggings and an oversized hoodie. I'm not one of those girls who has to have full makeup all the time and I'm pretty comfortable in my skin so I haven't really got a problem with not wearing makeup. I get in my car and head over to the school. I then go to reception
"Hi I'm YN YLN, I'm new here"
"Ahhh yes miss YLN, here is your schedule and Sam here will take you to your first class"
"Thank you"
"Hi I'm Sam"
"YN" I shake his hand
"So looks like your first class is science with Mr Ross" Sam takes me over to my first class
"Mr Ross this is YN she's just moved here"
"Thank you Sam. YN you can go and sit next to Kat" he points at a girl with bright blue hair, she's in a cheer uniform. Great she's probably gonna be stuck up. I take my seat not saying anything
"Hi I'm Kat, I know cheerleaders are usually bitches but I'm not, or at least I hope not" she says smiling at me
"Miss Stuart quiet please"
"Sorry sir"
"Ok so the person next to you will be your project partner" I turn to look at Kat and she smiles at me
"This is going to be fun. You can come over to mine tomorrow and we can get started"
"Ok sounds like a plan"
"Do you have a boyfriend that you had to leave behind? because if not I know some guys that would fall head over heals for you"
"Seriously I'm in leggings, a baggy top, no makeup and hair in a bun"
"Your a natural beauty, don't put yourself down"
"No I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy with the way I look but not the best first impression. The guys you know probably like girls plastered in makeup wearing tight clothes all the time. I don't mean to sound rude it's just that's what it was like at my old school"
"Well the guys I know might surprise you" we finish up class then Kat helps me to my next class, maths, which so happens to be with Sam, I sit next to him. After maths I have French, Sam helps me to my class then leaves. I sit next to a girl called Xepher who seems really nice, then finally it was lunch. I just got my food and about to sit on my own when I hear my name being called, I look up and see Sam and Kat waving me over. They are sat with all the jocks and cheerleader, so that must be the popular group. I'm about to get the piss taking out of me, I slowly walk over to them and feel eyes on me and gasps. When I reach the table and put my plate down Kat hugs me
"YN this is Jake, Tara, Reggie, Cassie, Corey, Devyn, Colby, Leah, Griffin, Xepher, Brennen, Kevin and Aryia. You already know me and Sam. I'm guessing you'll be able to tell who's dating and who's single. So tell us about yourself" Kat says sitting next to me
"Ok well I'm YN, I just moved here and...."
"I'm guessing you were bullied in your last school that's why you moved here" Leah laughs. Ok so everyone here is chill except her, this is the bitchy cheerleader I was expecting
"No actually my dad is in the army and I was actually head cheerleader in my old school. I was probably one of the most popular girls" Leah scoffs and Colby laughs
"Shut up" she says while Colby rolls his eyes
"YN would you like to come to a party tonight?"  Colby asks me causing Leah to get up and walk off 
"don't mind her she's just grumpy she's not the centre of attention for once" Kevin says and Colby laughs, which I find interesting "so you coming?"
"Sure, why not" the bell rings and it turns out Jake, Corey and Tara are in my next class so we walk together. School finishes and I drive home to get ready for the party.

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