New House

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This one is based off Sams video 'new house tour' YN is dating Colby
Sam turns on the camera and the boys all start slapping their knees, I look at them confused while taking a sip of my drink
"That's the sound that comes from YN and Colbys room" Corey says which makes me nearly chock
"WELCOME TO THE TRAP HOUSE" Sam yells and I just look at the camera unamused while the boys start cheering "alright guys we did move over the last week"
"It's been very stress full because mine and Colby's bathroom didn't work so that was great" I thumbs up the camera
"Anyway we wanna show you are new house" Sam says to the camera. Jake turns on the tap outside and starts to spray us with it. Sam takes the camera and starts the tour
"This is the hang out spot" Sam shows the blue couch outside
"The boys took 7 hours to build this" I laugh
"Yeah and my back still hurts" Colby says rubbing his lower back
"Are you sure you didn't just throw it back to hard?" Jake asks with no expression on his face which causes me to laugh even more. Sam takes the camera over to the pool
"So this is the freaking pool check it out"
"Remember in our old house we did the Olympics?" I says smiling and raising my eyebrows
"Yes we should differently do that that again" Jake says then flopping into the pool then climbing to the top of the slide
"Who's going I jump of this?"
"Ok I'll make you a deal. I'll jump in fully clothed.... or naked I could be naked"
"No thanks Sam I'm not Kat, I don't want to see that"
"Damn right YN. Your mine and you are only allowed to see me without clothes on" Colby wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear as Sam continues to talk
" can hit me with a tennis ball but if you all miss you all have to jump in"
"Deal" I say. Sam goes to get the tennis rackets and balls. Colby has his go and misses, I have mine and I miss, Corey has his go and misses, then it's jake go and misses
"Ok how about I don't move. You've got one shot each" once again we all miss until it's Corey's turn and he hits his butt
"Now he's gotta do a back flip into the pool" Corey says excitedly, Colby once again wraps he's arms around me and leans his head on my shoulder
"I'm so happy you decided to move in with us"
"Me too" I say smiling. I take the camera off Sam and we head over to the pool, still with Colby holding me I point the camera to Sam who jumps in the pool. The rest of the video is is us messing in the pool util it gets dark, then we get changed and turn on all the lights to show the backyard. After Sam turns off the camera we sit down on the couch outside with a few drinks
"Thanks for letting me move in with you guys"
"No problem. You will basically live here anyway like you did in the old house" Sam laughs. I lean on Colby's shoulder
"I love you guys"
"We love you. Your like a little sister to us.... well not to Colby because that would be weird. Then again you are all from Kansas" Corey says
"Hey" Colby chuckles
"I just realised that. Your the only one that's not from Kansas"
"Florida boy Florida boy" Jake chants pointing to Corey. I roll my eyes at their silliness. We're going to have some great memories in this house.

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