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Possible Triggers:
"You know the comments on the videos are right your nothing but a whore who sleeps around. Your cheating on me with Colby" my boyfriend Tom yells
"I'm not. I would never cheat"
"Then why are you always over at the house?"
"Because news flash my brother lives there and so do my friends"
"Friends with benefits more like" he mutters. I go to grab his hand but instead he hits me. I grab my bag and car keys "where are you going?" Tom yells
"To my brothers"
"To go sleep with Colby again"
"Oh grow up girls can be just friends with guys"
"Not according to those comments on his videos. Get out of my sight. Go kill yourself for all I care" I walk out the house and go to the trap house
"Hey YN"
"Hi Corey. Where's Jake?"
"In his room I think. Are you ok?"
"Just peachy. It's not like my boyfriend hates me"
"Forget it"
"Morning YN" I ignore Sam and go straight to Jakes room with tears in my eyes
"YN are you ok?" Jake asks as I walk in
"I can't do this anymore"
"Do what?"
"Tom, living I just don't want to be hear anymore"
"What why what's he done? Has he hurt you?"
"It's not just him. The hate I'm getting I can't cope anymore" I break down in my brothers arms
"Shhhh it's ok. Your ok"
"No I'm not"
" right stay here I'm going to go and get some food ok?" I nod my head and Jake walks out. I open up my bag and see some pain killers. There's a knock on the door and Sam opens it with Corey and Colby behind him. I put the pills back in my bag
"YN what's going on?" Corey asks
"Nothing I'm fine"
"No your not don't lie" Colby says sort of annoyed
"Tom and I broke up" I lie looking down at my hands
"Do you want some company?" Sam asks I just shake my head
"No thank you. I just want to be on my own for a bit"
"Ok well if you need anything let us know. Jakes gone out for food ok" I nod my head. I go on Instagram and see comments on my last post telling me to kill my self and that I'm a whore. I take the pills out of my bag and walk over to the bathroom. I look at my self in the mirror, my blood shot eyes and a bruise begging to form on my jaw. I look at the pills and take them all.

Colby's POV
We left YN alone for a little bit, I'm going to check on her again in about 5 minutes. I'm  downstairs making her a drink
"She's not in a good way bro" Sam says walking over to me from the living room
"I know I just don't know what to do. Have you seen the comments on her last post?"
"Yeah I have. Maybe we all need to say something"
"Yeah maybe. Hey Sam can you...." before I could finish my sentence I hear a thud come from upstairs. Sam and I look at each other confused then it clicks
"YN!" I shout. I run up the stairs, Corey and Sam behind me. I go in Jakes room and she's not there, I then go the bathroom and see her lying on the floor lifeless
"No no no no no Sam this can't be happening"
"Oh my god Corey ring an ambulance" Sam says as he comes over to me
"On it"
"YN you need to wake up. Please you need to wake up" I shake her. Her eyes flutter open and she's sick everywhere
"I'm sorry. Tell Jake I'm sorry tell him I love him. Tell my parents I love them. Goodbye" she shuts eyes again
"YN you can't die. Do you hear me. You need to wake up now" I start to cry

2weeks later
"Guys this hate has got to stop. You have no idea what people are already going through and you telling people to kill themselves. If it continues I will have to make the decision to leave social media. YN's the most amazing woman I know and she did not.... does not deserve hate. Please be kind to one another" I say to the camera
"I just want to say I'm sorry to these guys for putting them through what I did. I'm sorry to my parents for scaring them and I'm sorry to the people who look up to me. I've taken the last 2 weeks off to recover and to work on my mental health, but if the hate continues I'll have to leave social media" YN says with tears in her eyes
"With that being said thank you to those who sent YN well wishes. She's now living with us here so we can watch her, please be kind and remember if you guys are going through something and feel the same way YN did please seek the help you need. You are loved" Sam finishes off the video. We don't edit the video and we just put it straight on to YouTube, comments start to come in saying that they are sorry for what they said and that they hope YN gets better soon
"Thank you guys" YN says looking up at me
"You are our number one priority right now" jake says hugging his sister
"We love you YN" I say
"I love you guys"

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