Hot Seat

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This one is based off Sams video 'hot seat challenge' YN and Brennen used to date but were able to remain friends after they broke up, Brennen then introduced YN to Colby and soon started dating. Brennen was completely fine about all of this. They haven't told the fans yet as YN is worried about the hate. YN is behind the camera filming them

I turn on the camera for the boys and watch them film their video
"What's up guys today we are doing a video that I might regret but you know what that's ok. I'm joined with Colby, Brennen and Jake and we are going to do a hot seat challenge. So how to play, one person will be on the hot seat and we each get to ask that person a question which they have to answer, if that person doesn't answer the question then we get to read out an embarrassing tweet"
"Oh no" Colby says looking nervous
"Who's going first?" Sam asks
"I say Jake should go first" I say from behind the camera
"Oh yeah and YN is here behind the camera" Sam smiles
"Ok I've got a question for Jake" Colby pauses
"Why is your lip quivering?" Sam asks and the boys start laughing with excitement
"Tell the audience what was on your phone before we started this video"
"Skip" the boys all laugh, I feel completely out of this joke or whatever as I have no idea what he was doing. Sam reads out an embarrassing tweet
"Who is your least favourite Youtuber that you know?" Asks Sam
"Jay station"
"I think he's all of our lest favourite right?" I ask them
"Yeah I think so" Colby says
"Ok next question. Is it true you have an nicotine addiction from your vape and now YN is also addicted"
"What?" I slightly yell "way to throw me under the bus Brennen" I walk into frame "I just want to clarify I only tried the vape once and I didn't like it. I also don't smoke" I walk back behind the camera, when I turn around I notice that Colby was staring at me, I blush slightly
"Ok well I do, I'm working on it. But like YN said she is not addicted to it". It's now Brennens turn
"Ok first and last name of your favourite girlfriend that you've had" Sam says, Brennen looks at me then Colby
"Oh man, this is awkward. YN was my favourite"
"Can I ask why?" Colby say raising an eyebrow, I glare at him
"She's just super nice"
"Well this is awkward" Sam claps laughing slightly looking at me
"Ok it's my question now" Jake says looking at me then back at Brennen "have you and Colby ever had feeling for the same girl?" Brennen puts his head in his hands while Colby turns red
"Bro seriously? Yes we have that's all I'm saying"
"Have you ever faked a video?" Colby asks
"One time I graffitied on my mums car but I had to ask her first, it was peel off paint but I needed to make sure she was ok with it before I did it just in case it didn't come off"
"Ohhh I got ya" Sam says. Now it's Sams turn in the hot seat
"So Sam. What is your least favourite thing about Kat?" Colby asks
"Bloody hell Colby" I start laughing
"Oh god" Sam laughs nervously "alright the hitting. She like slaps my butt a lot and I've told her that to but yeah that's probably my least favourite thing"
"Ok has there ever been a moment where you thought you know what I can't deal with Colby Brock I'm gonna end Sam and Colby"
"Oh my fucking god. I don't think there's ever been a time where I've been like we gotta end Sam and Colby but there has been very close times where I've though that it wasn't going to work out"
"Wow really?" Jake asks
"Yeah. Like we weren't going to be able to do it for a career"
"Oh so not like you had an argument or anything" brennen clarifies
"No no no"
"Golbach the world wants to know what's the exact measurement of your dick"
"Eww I don't want to know" I plug my ears "wow really? I'm not saying" Jake then reads out a tweet. Finally it's Colbys turn and I'm slightly worried with what the boys will ask
"Alright I've got a question for Colby. So a couple days ago you posted a photo of your shoes and a girls shoe on your Instagram story. Who was the girl?" Colby looks embarrassed
"Ooooo exposed" Sam says laughing. I give brennen glares
"I'll say it. I'll say it" Colby acts confident "it's a girl named YN YLN"
"Duuuuude" Jake laughs and I give Sam looks at the camera and I give him pleading eyes
"I'm gonna have to bleed that out aren't I?" I nod my head and he looks at Colby
"Yeah man bleep it out of else there's going to be a uproar"
"Colby how many woman have you slept with in your bed?" Jake asks and I look at Colby wide eyed
"Like this one upstairs or like all time?"
"The one upstairs"
"Damn I'm gonna skip" I look at him slightly annoyed. I know he has slept with girls before me and we have only been dating a couple months but it kinda hurts thinking about it. Jake reads off an embarrassing tweet and Brennen asks the last question
"Last question. Have you ever thought about a guy in a sexual way?"
"No" he quickly says
"Are you crossing your fingers?" Jake asks. Colby crosses them
"Ok that is the video make sure you check these guys out and I'll see you next week. Peace" I turn off the camera and walk into the kitchen
"Babe are you ok?"
"Hmm yeah Im fine"
"No your not. I saw your face when they asked the question about how many girls I slept with. Talk to me"
"I know you've had your I guess fuck boy stage but it just hurts a little to know that in the bed I've slept in you've had other girls in there with you"
"I'm sorry your feeling that way. How about we go shopping tomorrow and get a fresh mattress?"
"Are you serious?"
"Sure. Your the only one I want to be with now. I love you"
"Thank you Colby. I love you to"
"Aawww. I hate to break this cute moment up but can we go to tender greens now?" Brennen asks. Colby and I laugh
"Sure come on I'll drive" I say picking up my keys.

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