High School Reunion Pt1

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I walk through the halls of my old high school nervously approaching the main hall doors. I'm holding hands with my fiancé and high school sweetheart, Rhys
"Don't embarrass me in front of the boys" I roll my eyes at him
"Babe we aren't in high school anymore, your not a popular jock, I'm not the most popular guys girlfriend"
"Shut up" he basically spits at me. I keep quiet knowing better than to argue with him. I take a deep breath and open the doors to see a ton of people, some who I once considered a friend
"I'm going to grab us something to drink"
"Whatever" I'm waved off as he walks into the sea of bodies. I walk to the drinks table
"YN?" I hear a familiar voice behind me. I quickly turn around to see one of my best friends Nate. A huge smile makes its way to my face, I haven't see Nate in about a year now as I've been pretty busy filming for Netflix shows
"Ahhh how have you been" I pull him in for a hug
"I'm great what about you?"
"I'm good thank you. Sorry I've not phoned in a while, been busy" that's not 100% a lie. I have been busy, but Rhys told me I can't message Nate anymore because he doesn't like me talking to other guys
"That's ok. When's the wedding?"
"3 weeks"
"Is it bad if I say yeah?" I sigh
"I think that's normal. Hey errm when was the last time you spoke to Eli?"
"Oh god probably around the same time I last spoke to you... god I'm such a horrible friend" I shake my head
"No your not. We all have things going on in our lives" don't I know it "and you just happen to be one of the biggest actresses at the moment. What about Sam and Colby? When was the last time you spoke to them?"
"Wow errrm just after we left high school maybe?"
"Follow me" Nate motions me to follow him and I do without hesitation.

We walk over to a table that has a few guys on and a couple girls
"Ok guys do you remember who this is?" everyone looks at me shocked or star struck
"YN? YN YLN? Wow I-" the boy with bright blue eyes says standing up
"That's me"
"Oh my god that's YN YLN" the girl with red hair exclaims
"So I'm not sure if you recognise these boys but it's Sam and Colby" realisation clicks and I squeal pulling Colby into a hug
"Oh my god you've changed so much"
"I could say the same for you" he replies
"Where's my hug?" Sam asks
"Here" I pull away from Colby and give Sam a hug
"Where Rhys?" Eli asks
"Somewhere around here. So have my favourite boys managed to bag themselves girlfriends?" I raise an eyebrow with a smirk
"Yes actually. This is Katrina, or Kat, she's my girlfriend and this is Amber Colby's girlfriend"
"You've done well for yourself boys. Hi I'm YN, I was best friends with these goons back in high school" I give my hand to Kat to shake then Amber
"I'm fan girling so hard right now" Kat says
"So where do you live now then?" Colby asks as we all sit down
"LA then I fly to Vancouver for about 9 months to film. So what do you guys do now?"
"We're YouTubers. We used to film abandoned and haunted things now we have I guess a bucket list we're trying to tik off before we're 25"
"Love that. I've always wanted to do something a little rebellious, like swim with sharks or sky dive"
"Why don't you?" Kat asks
"Well I'm on a tv show. Can't risk getting hurt"

We continue to catch up when Sam notices something that I've been trying to keep covered
"YN what's that on your arm?" I look down and notice my sleeve has ridden up a little revealing the bruise Rhys gave me a couple days ago when he grabbed me
"Oh it's nothing. I was asked to do stunt work and it went wrong" I pull my sleeve down
"Babe" I hear a drunk Rhys yell, great tonight's gonna be a shit night
"I better go and sort my fiancé out. It was lovely to catch up with you guys and to meet you girls"
"Maybe we could grab lunch one of the days?" Sam asks
"Yeah I'd like that" I reply. I truly would like that but I know I won't be allowed to. I stand from my seat and say goodbye to everyone and make my way to Rhys.

I'm stood at my car with my back pressing against it
"Babe not now" I say as Rhys is using his body weight to keep me in place while his kissing my neck
"Come on baby don't be a prude"
"I'm not but your drunk and we're standing in a car park" Rhys then looks up to me
"Are you back chatting me?"
"You know I made you who you are. If I didn't take pity on you at school for being friends with those losers you wouldn't have become an actress"
"No I didn't that on my own, all you did was make me late to auditions" I yell
"Don't you fucking yell at me" he slams his hand on to the car making me flinch "you know" Rhys then points to me "you are the reason I have to drink, you wined me up so god damn much"
"Then leave me" I yell but he chuckles
"No can do. You have the money and fame, so you can leave me and I can tell everyone about your little affair with your co worker or I can either stay and help keep up the good girl image"
"I didn't have an affair" I yell once again, but this time my face is struck by his hand
"Hey" I hear someone shout. I look past Rhys to see Sam, Colby, Eli and Nate walking towards Rhys and I
"Oh here comes the cavalry" Rhys stumbles back a little throwing his hands in the air
"Get the fuck away from her" Sam says
"Or what?"
"Or this" Colby punches Rhys in the face and immediately I see blood trickle down his nose. Kat takes my hand and pulls me to a car
"Your not going back with him tonight"
"I haven't got anywhere else to go" I shrug
"You can stay at mine in the spare room" Sam says walking over to us
"Thanks but I don't have any clothes"
"You can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in and I'm sure Kat will lend you some clothes for tomorrow?"
"Of course. Come on" Kat pulls me into a car. Colby gets into the passenger seat while Amber, Kat and I get in the back. We wave bye to Nate and Eli. Sam drops Colby and Amber off and we head to Sam's place.

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