I couldnt think of a title for this so this is it 😂

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Thank you for your request @Horror147 hope you enjoy this one ☺️

Also does anyone know if there are polly stories like SamXcolbyXreader? And if you guys know any Corey stories let a girl know ❤️

Today I'm filing a video with Colby, Corey, Jake and Sam. A few months ago we announced that I'm dating all of the boys, to witch I had a fair bit of hate for. Ive been dating these guys though for nearly 2 years but because we were worried about the hate we never said anything and the boys had fake relationships to hid the fact we are dating. When we announced it I got told I was a gold digger, a whore, indecisive, stringing them on, clout chasing and much more. I had been sent some really horrible things but over the past couple of weeks the hate has died down and now we're all just getting a load of questions so we though it would be best to just film a video to answer everyone's questions
"Babe are you ready? Colbys back now" Sam walks into his room
"Ok. Yeah I'm ready" I say just as I finish up my makeup.

Once we're downstairs I see Corey and Jake setting up the camera and lights while Colby is walking back into the house with some drinks in his hand
"Ok shit faces come grab your drinks" he says
"Errr excuse me?"
"Except you of course" Colby pecks me on the lips. The boys all get their drinks and we sit down on the couch. I sit in between Jake and Corey as Colby sits next to Corey and Sam sits next to Jake
"Hi everyone welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if you are new. Today I'm joined by my boyfriends, yes you heard that correct, boyfriends, plural, and today we are going to be answering the most common questions about our relationship so let's go"
"Ok this is one I get asked a lot" Sam reads off his phone "do you guys get jealous when YN spends time with one of the other boys?"
"I'll answer this one. No not really. YN is pretty good at making sure we're all given attention in the day. Like if I go out with someone in the day she will spend time with me in the evening ya know" Corey answers
"Ok are you all dating or is it just YN dating all of you?" Jake reads
"So it's just us dating YN. Like we all have our own rooms and shit like we don't all share the same bed" Colby laughs making the rest of us laugh
"What will happen when YN wants to get married or have kids?" Sam reads off his phone
"We have decided that we wouldn't get officially married because it's illegal but we would just all wear rings, like they would all chip in to buy one ring for me and they would then all have their own. When it comes to kids we have decided that I would have four kids. One each and we would all just look after the babies" I shrug my shoulders and look at Corey discreetly, or probably not so discreetly, but we have a secret that we're not ready to tell but this is the main reason we needed to tell the internet about this. Jake puts his hand on my thigh and Corey puts his arm over my shoulder and smiles down at me
"Does YN have her own bedroom?"
"Nope. I kinda just bed hop each night"
"Do we get weirded out when the others are flirting with YN or kissing her?" Sam says
"Nope were all pretty chill with it and before we get any comments about cheating it's not. We've all consented to it and there's no lying going on" Corey informs everyone. We go through some more questions until we're done and wrap up the video. Once done the boys pack the things away while I go in the kitchen to make a start on dinner.

"What are we going to have tonight?" Sam asks hugging me from being
"I was thinking spag bol"
"Yessss" I hear Corey yell making me chuckle
"I'll set the table ready" Sam kisses my cheek and goes over to the cabinet where I keep all of the plates and mats. Jake now comes over to help chop up the onions as they make my eyes sting
"Ok why do we never buy the ready chopped onions" I say closing my eyes
"Because you always forget to put it on the list" Corey comes over and takes over cooking the meat
"No problem. Go sit down for a bit" I sit at the table replying to texts off my phone then I go onto the pregnancy app I have
"Huh so as of today the baby is the size of a large raspberry"
"Have you taken your vitamins today?" Colby asks sitting next to me
"Yeah I had them this morning"
"So whose next after this baby?" Jake asks stirring the pot of sauce. I laugh a little
"No one for a while. Let me get through one pregnancy and at least one first birthday before I even think about that"
"I mean if you think of it that way we will all have kids in four years" Colby shrugs and I turn to face him
"Yeah not happing" I smile and kiss his check.

Finally dinner is ready and I plate it up with the help of Sam while Corey gets everyone's drinks and places them down. I'm so grateful for all of these guys and I can't wait to start our huge ass family together.

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