Band Commercials Pt1

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Today I'm sat with the roommates to film a video for Sam's YouTube channel. I sit next to my boyfriend of 1 year, Colby
"Welcome back" Sam yells making me jump
"Bloody hell Sam" I breath out putting my hand to my heart as Colby laughs
"Bloody hell Sam" Aaron says in his best fake British accent making everyone laugh
"Pip pip I'm just going to have a cup of tea" Corey pretends he's got a cup in his hand. I roll my eyes as this is what I normally get when I say something really British
"I've never said pip pip in my life AND I have never heard another British person say it before"
"Ok. As you can see today I'm with all the roommates and we are going to be reacting to band commercials. Let's get started" Sam opens up his laptop and presses play on the compilation. The words yes funny yes appear on the screen
"Yes funny yes" Sam says and of course the boys all start chanting it moving closer to the camera while Corey is doing some weird dance moves. They sit back down and play the first clip which is an advert for Carl's jr flat buns
"Huh?" I say not understanding the advert
"They were singing about how they don't like flat buns"
"But she had an arse"
"Arse" Corey snickers "you mean ass"
"An ass is a donkey you plonker"
"You come out with some funny words babe"
"Ughh just play the next advert" I say as Sam clicks play again. It starts off with a little kid kicking off in the supermarket
"Babe did you have have to deal with kids like this when you nannied?"
"Yep. I nannied at this one house, it was when I just moved here and they were super rich and famous. I can't say which family but their kids were spoiled brats" the ad continues 
"What would you do?" Corey asks and I laugh
"Once I threw myself on the floor in the supermarket and refused to move until they stopped screaming at me"
"Did it work?" Sam asks
"Actually yes. They were embarrassed and never did it again"
"That's what it's like when I take Aaron shopping" Colby laughs
"Yeah I always want the candy"
"Oh god it's a condom commercial" Sam points at the screen. We go through a couple more
"This is how me and YN met" Colby laughs watching the advert. A guy sat on a bench eating Doritos while a girl runs past
"Oh god" Sam chuckles
"And that's what you did" Colby says as the girl takes out her hair bobble
"I actually did, but only because my hair was falling out" I laugh
"Oh no what's happening" Corey says as the girl licks the guys face
"Is that what you did YN?" Aaron asks
"Hell no"
"Wait where's this going?" Colby says engrossed in the screen as the guy is sat with crumbs on his trousers
"Look she's down for it as well" Sam laughs
"So that's a reenactment of how YN and Colby met" Corey claps his hand once to gain everyone's attention
"Hmm not quite but sure" I laugh as the next one comes up "wait is that Ryder from glee?" I ask laughing
"Who?" Aaron asks
"You know Ryder. The one that was in love with Marley but Marley was in love with Jake who ended up cheating on her with Bree" Corey says giving Aaron a duh? look. I laugh realising I've made the boys watch glee that much they know the characters
"Ohhh yeah"
"Hey this is like our first date YN when I walked you back to your house" 'so how about a blowjob' the advert says. Sam laughs and I look at Colby trying not to laugh "ok maybe not like our first date" the girls sister opens the door 'dad says to go ahead and give him a blowjob or I can do it or need be he will come down himself and do it but for god sake take his hand off the intercom'
"Oh my god why is that kinda accurate to what happened after our first date" I laugh
"Wait what?" Corey asks confused
"I was leaning on her parents intercom when we finished our date and her brother opened the door and said to either come in or fuck off"
"Oh god I remember you telling me about that" Sam laughs. That ad was for MasterCard which made no sense. We finish up the video and Sam puts his camera away
"Does anyone want a drink?" I ask walking into the kitchen
"I'm good"
"No thanks"
"Naaa" the boys all yell at the same time. I put the water in the kettle and put it on the hob and get out some scones I made
"That's probably the most British thing ever"
"I miss English kettles"
"What that's the most random thing I've heard" Sam says walking into the kitchen with Corey and Aaron
"But like our kettles you just flip a switch and you can leave it"
"But doesn't it like boil over?" Corey asks
"No it switches it self off. Sometimes you Americans makes me laugh, some things your so behind in" I shake my head " like how easy is it to burn yourself? But an electric kettle it's so much harder. You know what when we next go to England I'm buying a kettle and adapter" I say taking the kettle off the hob while the boys laugh. I butter my scone and put some jam on taking my cup into the living room. I place them down and get out my laptop putting in Gavin and Stacy.

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