Best Friends Cheating Prank Pt1

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This one is based on Sams cheating prank 'I'm gay for my best friend prank on girlfriend' Sam and Kat are dating and YN and Colby are dating. Elton is YNs older brother

Sams POV
"What's up guys today I'm with Colby and we are going to be pulling a prank on our girlfriends. YN and Kat are out right now having a girls day and we are going to pretend that we are cheating on them with each other"
"YNs going to be so sad" Colby looks at me terrified
"Dude if she believes this then your gonna have to deal with Elton"
"Oh shit. Is it to late to back out?" Colby laughs
"Yup. Now both the girls joke about how they think we're gay and that we are secretly dating so we may have a chance in them believing us"
"Yeah I feel like YN might be more likely to believe this"
"That's true but let's go get into bed... that sounds weird" both Colby and I laugh
20 minutes later and Colby gets a text of YN to say her and Kat will be home soon
Kat and I have been out all day shopping, I text Colby about 10 minutes ago saying that I would be home in a few minutes but he didn't respond so I'm guessing his asleep. Once we arrive home Kat and I head upstairs when we hear talking in Sams room
"Colby must editing with Sam"
"That explains why he didn't answer my texts. When he's in the zone there's nothing you can do" Kat and I laugh while she opens the door, then we see Sam and Colby both in bed together. I stop laughing and look at them confused. Kat stands in front of me
"What are you guys doing?" Asks Kat
"Oh shit this is awkward errm" Sam speaks first
"Why the fuck are you guys shirtless and in bed?" I start to shake
"Ok erm YN don't hate me but I lied. Errr Sam and I have been dating behind yours and Kat's back" I just stand there confused while Kat continues to speak
"I don't know if I believe you" Kat moves in closer while I stay by the door
"Please tell me this is fake"
"YN were so sorry we didn't want you and Kat to find out this way" Colby says as he sits up
"Stop no your joking. YN come here they can't be serious" I walk over to Kat with my arms crossed
"Look sometimes when your with a person for a lot of your life plus living with them then sometimes feelings develop" Sam says
"Wait hold up I live here so how has this been working?" I ask unfolding my arms and putting them on my hips
"You go to sleep before me and Kat's not always over so those day I go into Sams room. That's why I come to bed so late" Colby looks at me. I start to tear up
"I... Why? Why couldn't you have come to me and tell me? Why did you have to pretend? Like god if you had told me from the begging I would have supported you but I can't forgive you for fucking cheating Colby" I walk out the door crying. I run down stairs and out the door when I see Elton walking through the gate
Colby's POV
Shit. I look at Sam
"Ok err how do I say this?... WELCOM TO THE PRANK WARS" Sam says as he gets out of the bed and walks over to Kat
"Yeah erm I kinda need to go find my girlfriend and tell her it's a prank" I get up and just as I do Elton come into the room with YN behind him with tears in her eyes
"YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON MY SISTER" Elton grabs me and pushes me on the bed, he raises his arm to hit me but Sam grabs it
"It was a prank Elton. Look there's a camera" Sam points at the camera hidden

Elton lowers his arm and lets go of Colby
"Baby I'm so sorry I didn't realise how much you would believe it" I'm still shaking and crying. Colby pulls me in for a hug
"Don't do that again ever"
"I won't baby I promise I'm sorry"
"Colby your a friend but let this be a warning if you ever do cheat that will happen I will bet the shit out of you"
"I'll never cheat. I'm sorry. I love you YN"
"I love you to Colbs"

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