Chapter 93: Intervention Part 3

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I push Evan out of the way, running into the kitchen. I open every drawer and cabinet till I find a small blue and white hand towel.

I rush back over to Ann's side, placing the towel in her hand. She lightly dabs the bleeding area's of Joey's face. His nose and mouth were pouring blood. He had his eyes shut tightly. I frowned, staring at his battered face

I didn't want this to happen.

I stand up, glaring at Sawyer in disbelief.

Mariella: Sawyer.. I called your mom.

He looked from me to her. She slowly nods her head, half smiling.

Sawyer: Why??

I walk over and stood in front of him.

Mariella: Because, I want you to get help..

He voice raises as he speaks.

Sawyer: Mariella, I'm fine! I don't need this.

I try and over power his tone.

Mariella: But, you do! I don't want you to live like this!

I look down, holding back my tears.

Sawyer: There's no need to cry.. Why don't you believe me??

I glare at him with glossy eyes.

Mariella: I've seen how you look and act when you take those pills. You're not yourself and I don't like it! When I told your mother, she broke out in tears saying "Her baby has lost his way again"..

He places his hand under my chin, making me look at him.

Sawyer: Mariella, the pills and cocaine are two different things-...

I slap his hand away. Standing my ground.

Mariella: Listen to yourself! Making stupid excuses.. You're not the person I met at the Cafe anymore. You're hurting yourself.. You could die?!

He looks away, swaying back and forth. I turn his head so he's looking straight at me.

Mariella: Do you not care?! Do you not understand that everyone here doesn't want to lose you..

He shifts his gaze away from mine.

Mariella: Look at me!

I begin to cry as I shake his head. He finally looks at me.

Mariella: I do love you..

I lean in and kiss his chapped lips. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but I had to convey my feelings.

The spark was still there, but felt very different. Very short lived.

He kisses back, even though I was sure he would try to deny it. I pull away after a few seconds, taking a step back.

Mariella: P-please.. Please do this..

He places a hand on his forehead, closing his eyes.

Sawyer: I'll do it for you..

I vigorously shake my head in frustration.

Mariella: No!!

He just stares at me.

Sawyer: Mariella, I said I would do it?! What do you want from me! Why aren't you satisfied??

His mom comes up from behind him and places a hand on his back. He turns his head.

Sawyer's mom: What she's trying to say is, do this for yourself. Do this because you want to be healthy.

He looks to me again as I nod, sniffling, letting the tears fall from my face.

She hit the nail on the head.

Joey: Listen to them, Sawyer..

I turn around and see Joey, towel in hand, sitting up with Ann as support.

Joey: You may not consider me a friend, but I want you to be healthy and happy just as much as they do.

Sawyer looks at Joey and his face seems to soften.

Ann then seals the deal.

Ann: This is an amazing opportunity for you to get back on the right path. You have so many people who love you and want you to get clean.

Sawyer looks around and just stays silent.

Evan: Do it, man..

We all look to Evan.

Evan: Don't look so shocked.. I don't like him this way either.

Ann: I heard you're the one who helped him get the medication.

Evan: I just did what he asked me to do. I never expected it to turn out like this.

Sawyer's mom: You need to get some help for yourself..

Evan opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing before closing it.

For the first time, he had no come back. Nothing. He just stood there, speechless.

I look at Sawyer with pleading eyes. I mean't what I said. I did love him. I cared so much for his well being. I kissed him, because I wanted too. I felt a portion of those strong feelings I had back then, before all this happened.

He needed to make a decision. I was afraid he would reject it all.

Ann: It's up to you now.

Sawyer looked at Ann, than over to his mother. He just gazed at her for awhile before grabbing her hand.

Sawyer: I'll go... For me.

His mother smiled, tears now streaming down her cheeks. She enveloped him into a hug, patting and rubbing his back, mumbling words into his ear that I couldn't make out.

I watch them before turning to Joey. He just grinned. I did the same.

Sawyer and his mother pull apart. Ann helped Joey off the floor. I walked over and took her place as she made her way to Sawyer.

Ann: The van is downstairs to take you to the airport.

He nodded.

Joey whispers something close to my ear.

Joey: You did it..

I shook my head, grabbing the bloody towel from his hand, wiping his cheek.

Mariella: We did it. I'm just sorry you got hurt.

He held up a hand.

Joey: This is nothing. Just a little blood here and there.

He won't think that when he sees himself in the mirror tomorrow..

I lightly smirk, as we made our way down stairs to the van.

Sawyer got in and than, he was gone.

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