Chapter 57: You ready?

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That night was the worst sleep of my life. Nothing, but wide eyes and tossing and turning. I couldn't shake the fact that I had slapped Sawyer. I had never slapped or hit anyone in my life. I didn't want to take it to that level, but once he insinuated Veronica as "his sloppy seconds" I had, had enough.

What Luke had said was all true. He was treating me like he did Veronica. He was just playing a game with me. Deep down, I still have an ounce of faith in him. But for now, I don't want anything to do with him. I have to push my feelings aside and start off new with a clear mind.

I'm just worried he'll turn to "something" instead of someone. Than, it'll be my fault. I don't know what Sawyer was like in the past. But, if it's anything like he was now. I'm truly afraid for him.

I feel a hand on my arm.

Veronica: Mariella.. It's time to get up.

I slowly open my eyes, turning over. Had I finally fallen asleep without realizing it, last night? I rub my eyes, noticing Veronica is dressed and ready.

Mariella: What time is it?

Veronica: Almost 1.

Mariella: Are you serious? Why'd you wake me up so late??

Veronica: Calm down. I heard you last night, sighing, tossing and turning. I knew you needed a little more time to rest..

Mariella: What about the panel?

Veronica: It's not till 3:30. Just take your time getting ready. There's no rush.

I softly grin, nodding.

I'm sure she did this because of what happened. I wanted to say I was fine and she didn't have to give me special treatment, but I was just too unhappy for words.

I get up and took a shower. Towel dry my hair and start on my make-up. I put on a pair of high waisted, acid washed shorts. A tank top that shows a little mid-drift and a cardigan. I wore high top converse and tie my hair into a ponytail. I look at myself in the mirror for the final time, half smiling.

I grab my phone off the bedside drawer. No missed calls or texts. I wouldn't of expected differently.

Mariella: Ready?

Veronica: You look good! So, you hungry?

Mariella: I could eat..

Veronica: Great, let's go then.

She locks the door behind her as we made our way down the hall to the elevator.

Veronica: Your going to love this place! I went there last Vidcon and the food was so good.

As the elevator door dings open, there stood two familiar faces.

Luke: Well, hello.

Veronica: Hey, babe.

She kisses him on the cheek as I stare at the person beside Luke. What is Joey doing here?

Veronica: I'm surprised Meghan's not here.

Joey: She has a signing.

Luke: Well, let's go. I'm starving!

They start to walk out of the hotel entrance. I don't think I can do this.

Mariella: Um-...

They turn around.

Veronica: What's wrong?

Mariella: I-...

Just say something clever to get out of this. As I was about to speak a hand slips into mine.

Joey: You ready?

He grins, squeezing my hand. What's going on? I look down at our hands, than back up at Joey. I just nod in confusion. Why is he doing this?

We stay like that the whole way. Just pure silence as we walk down the sidewalk. I didn't understand, but I wasn't going to question it.

We sat down at a booth and order our food. I wasn't expecting to sit by Joey, but it happened. We all chat as we ate. Even though Joey and I didn't speak one word to each other. It wasn't awkward, but I knew something was different. In a good way.

Luke paid for us in the end. I insisted he shouldn't, but to no avail. I was starting to see Luke in a new eye.

Veronica: It's already 3:05. I guess we should be heading back to the convention center.

We all nod, getting up.

Luke: Joey, you coming to watch the girls panel?

Joey: I can't. I'm meeting up with Meghan.

Right. Meghan. I forgot all about her. Thank god, she wasn't here for this.

We walk back the same way we came, nothing but silence. When we reach the convention center, we go our separate ways. No goodbye from Joey. I wasn't upset. I was actually okay. We said not one word, but his presence spoke a thousand. We pass by the dreaded double doors I fled out off yesterday.

Mariella: Is this where the panel is being held?

Veronica: Yeah, but we have to enter through the back.

Of all the places in this big center, it has to be the same room. It's like god was trying to tell me something, but I didn't want to hear it.

Lisa: You're here!

She runs up and envelopes me in a bear hug.

Lisa: Everything okay?

She gives me a questioning look.

Mariella: Sort of.

Those were the only words I could come up with besides, horrible and someone got bitch slapped. I add a tiny smile at the end for effect. It had worked, because she pats me on the shoulder.

Guy: You guys are on in 5.

I could hear someone outside on stage, talking to the crowd. The fans were clapping and screaming. My nerves began to build. Just as he was introducing us onto the stage, my phone goes off.

[Joey]- Meet me tonight at 8, outside your hotel. Good luck on the panel.

I couldn't react as I was being pushed out towards the stage. I went through the curtain as the bright lights hit me.

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