Chapter 66: How?

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I slid my phone into my back pocket. I had made myself depressed thinking of Joey and his sad words. Why? Why did I ask that insensitive question. I wanted to back out, but I knew it was too late.

"Just be happy!"

Those words rang in my ears. The sound of wheels rolling on pavement became closer. Just put a smile on your face. They won't know the difference.

Kian: Mari!

I faintly chuckle.

Mariella: It's Mariella.

He stops, popping his board up.

Kian: I know.

I give him a questioning look.

Mariella: Then, why did you call me "Mary"?

Kian: Just a nick name. Except, instead of a "y", it's "Mari" with an "i".

He flashes a side grin.

Mariella: Oh. Well, that's new.

Kian: You don't like it?

I shake my head.

Mariella: No, no. It's fine, I like it.

To be honest, I wasn't sure what to think of "Mari". I didn't want to be rude and say I hate it, because that wasn't true. I don't really mind the nick name. It probably won't even catch on.

Jc: Our paths did cross again.

He picks up his pennyboard. I smirk at my reused statement.

Mariella: I said they would.

Ricky: Hey, Mariella!

He came up from behind Jc and pulls me into a hug.

Mariella: Hi..

Following behind him was Sam, Connor, Trevor and Andrea.

Ricky: You remember everyone.

I nod.

Mariella: I do.

Kian: I don't think you've been introduced to this lady yet.

He wraps his arm around Andrea's shoulder. She smiles to him, than looks to me.

Kian: "Mari" this is my girlfriend, Andrea. Andrea this is "Mari".

I grin, slightly shaking my head.

Mariella: I'm still trying to get use to the whole "Mari" thing. But, I know who you are.

Andrea: I know who you are, "Mariella". I saw the Cotton ball challenge video.

We both smile at one another.

Ricky: Well, now that were all introduced. Let's get going!

Mariella: Where are we going?

Connor interrupts.

Connor: Where ever the night leads us..

Sounds nice.

Andrea takes Kian's pennyboard and starts to ride down towards the sidewalk as he chases after her. The rest of us follow. As we continue to walk, not knowing where we're headed. I beginning chatting with Ricky and the others. We talk and laugh about random things. I was having a good time just hanging out.

This was the right thing to do.

I look up at the dark sky. The moon was full and bright. Tiny stars dance around it. It was nice just to get out and roam. No destination. We came upon the small park where Joey and I conversed the night before. My smile began to fade.

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