Chapter 17: Is she with you?!

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Veronica: Wake up!

My eyes shoot open, my heart beats a mile a minute.

Mariella: W-what the h-hell?!

Veronica: Good you're awake. I'm leaving to shoot a video with Tyler.

Mariella: When will you be back?

Veronica: I don't know. 5 or 6, maybe. Why?

Mariella: I need the car later tonight.

Veronica: For what?

I need to think of something good. Something believable..

Mariella: Uh, I have plans with Meghan.

Veronica: Wow, you two are really becoming close. Just watch your back.

Why does she keep telling me to "watch out"? She's not a bad person.

Mariella: Just be home before 7, if you don't mind.

Veronica: Won't make any promises.

She walks out before I could make a snappy remark. I turn over and peer at my phone, 11:21. What am I suppose to do till 7? I stare at the ceiling for awhile, before getting up and signing into YouTube. Might as well watch some videos to pass the time.

I scroll through and notice Joey had posted his vlog from yesterday. I click to watch it. I seem so awkward through the whole thing. I guess I'll just have to get use to seeing myself in other people's videos. I continue watching videos of Shane Dawson, O2L, Daily Grace, Ray William Johnson, Shaytards and a few others.



I close my laptop and check the time, 3:39. Damn! Time is going by so slow. Wait, am I constantly checking the time because I'm excited about tonight? Nah, I'm more nervous and anxious, than excited.

I walk to the kitchen and check for any food. All we had was cereal, bread and ice cream. We really need to go grocery shopping. We eat out way too much! I pour cereal into a bowel and open the refrigerator.

Mariella: No milk..

I should have checked before making a bowl. I slam the refrigerator shut, and set the cereal bowl on the table. Might as well eat it with no milk. I'm desperately hungry!

I sat down and start scooping handfuls into my mouth. I check Twitter and Instagram as I ate. Nothing interesting, just some new followers and random posts. As I went through my feed, my phone went off.

[Meghan]- Hey, Mariella! What are you up too? :)

[Mariella]- Nothing at all! At home, alone, Veronica went to shoot a video with Tyler.

I wait for her reply, but my phone starts ringing. The incoming call was Meghan.

Mariella: Hello..

?: Mariella?

Mariella: Uh, yes. Who is this?

?: Hey Mariella, it's Tyler!

Mariella: Tyler? What are you doing on Meghan's phone?

Tyler: I'm with her right now.

Mariella: Well Veronica said she was shooting a video with you today..

Tyler: Um, I haven't talked to her since I picked you guys up from the airport.

What? She lied to me? Where the hell is she then?

Wait a minute...

Mariella: Oh. Well, I guess I must've heard her wrong this morning. Tyler, I'm gonna have to talk to you later.

Tyler: Uh, is everything okay?

Mariella: Just. Fine.

Tyler: Okay. Well, have you heard anything from the Cafe?

I was in no mood for small talk. I knew where Veronica was. She thinks she can pull one over on me.

Mariella: I had an interview yesterday and I got the job. I start tomorrow.

Tyler: Oh, great! I'm happy for you, girl!

Mariella: Thanks. Sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. I have some things to take care of.

Tyler: Mmkay! Good luck tomorrow, bye!

I didn't even reply. I just hung up and dial another number.

?: Hello?

Mariella: Is she with you!

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