Chapter 58: Marry kill fu**.

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Guy: Please welcome to the stage, Lisa Schwartz, Veronica Hernandez and Mariella Hernandez!

I quickly caught up to Veronica as we walk up the stairs, onto the stage. There was a huge crowd of cheering fans. I was having a slight anxiety attack, but I put on a smile and wave to the audience. We sat down as everyone in the room became quiet.

Lisa: Hello, everyone! How is day 2 of Vidcon?!

Everyone claps and hollers.

Veronica: Before we start answering questions. I would like to properly introduce my younger sister, Mariella to everyone who doesn't know who she is. She's been in a couple of mine and other Youtubers video's. So, let's all be nice and welcome her to the YouTube community.

I grin, looking around at the handful of fans clapping.

Lisa: So, let's get started! Does anyone have a question?

Hands flew up in the air.

Lisa: Alright. You sir, in the green shirt.

The boy stood up as someone with a microphone came around to him.

Boy: My question is for, Mariella.

My palms become sweaty. I was on the spot for the first time.

Mariella: Yes, what is your question?

Boy: Are you going to start your own YouTube channel?

Good, a simple question.

Mariella: Well, I already have my own channel. But, I have never made any videos so, maybe sometime in the future I will starting filming.

Veronica: Her channel is Mari_ella05, so go subscribe!

I face her.

Veronica: What? I'm getting you ahead of the game. Get that promo!

Laughter fills the room.

Veronica: Okay, next question.

She points to a girl in the front row.

Girl: Why did you look surprised when Luke announced yesterday at his panel that you two were dating?

Great question.

Veronica: I was a little shocked he announced it so early, because we hadn't spoken about revealing our relationship.

I'm sure he did it to get under Sawyer's skin.

Girl: Are you mad he did?

Veronica: No, of course not! We were going to announce it sooner or later, but 'sooner' came a lot earlier than expected.

I decided to man up and speak.

Mariella: Alright, next question?

I point to an older girl who looked about 16 or 17.

Girl: Speaking of the panel yesterday, what was up with the scene between you and Sawyer?

Mariella: Um-...

Girl: Are you two a thing?

I didn't expect this question to be asked so early in the panel. I knew it was coming, but I wasn't prepared for it now.

Mariella: Sawyer and I are just friends-...

Girl: Are you sure? That didn't look like "just friends"?

This girl. Think fast. I took a deep breath and smile.

Mariella: Fine. You got me! Since I moved in with Veronica, Sawyer and I become very close friends. We had a disagreement the day before and things got a little out of hand. But, we're fine now and we're only friends, nothing more. He's pretty much like a brother to me.

I grin as the girl gave me a stern look. I glance over at Veronica. She gave me a thumbs up under the table. I was satisfied I handled that so well.

Mariella: Well. Who has a question for Lisa??

Hands wave in the air as I chose the next person. Before I knew it, an hour and a half had passed and we were rapping up. I was having a good time laughing and answering questions. I'd never felt so involved in something I knew so little about.

Veronica: Alright! We have time for one more question. So, make it good!

She points to a girl with a Joey Graceffa shirt on. This ought'a be good.

Girl: Who would you Marry, Kill and Sleep with between, Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa and Sawyer Hartman.

Veronica: Oh, good question! Let's go down the line. Lisa, you first.

Lisa: Well, I'd have to kill Joey because he's my competition..

The crowd roars in laughter.

Lisa: And, I would marry Tyler and sleep with Sawyer.

I give Lisa a weird look. She shrugs her shoulders, giggling. It was onto Veronica.

Veronica: I would marry Joey, sleep with Tyler and kill Sawyer.

Mariella: Why sleep with Tyler?

Veronica: Because, I always have a good time with him and I'm absolutely positive I could turn him straight.

I chuckle.

Mariella: Well, I agree with killing Sawyer.

Did I really just say that? I mean, I am upset with him, but not enough to kill him. It's just a game.

Mariella: But.. I would have to marry Tyler and sleep with Joey.

Veronica: Oh? Sleep with Joey? Any reason why?

The crowd grows anxious.

Mariella: I mean, who doesn't want to sleep with Joey Graceffa?!

All the girls squeal and chant. We all laugh as a guy from back stage walks on.

Guy: Well, that's it for this panel. I hope you all enjoyed it and have a great rest of the day!

Everyone begins to get up and exit. Some fans stay behind for autographs and pictures. We continue signing random items and taking pictures for about 30 minutes. As the last group of people were exiting the double doors, I sigh with satisfaction. I made it through my first panel in one piece! It was an amazing experience!

Veronica: I have to use the bathroom so bad!

Lisa: I'll go with you.

Veronica: You coming?

Mariella: No, I'm good. I'll wait outside for you guys.

They nod, rushing off. I walk towards the double doors, taking my phone out of my pocket. I look at the text Joey sent.

Mariella: 8, huh?

I smile, leaving.

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