Chapter 72: The right thing.

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I never got ahold of Ricky that night after speaking with Jc. I fell asleep with the phone up to my ear. When I awoke at 10:50 the next morning.. Well, when I was scared half to death..

I was awaken by my ringtone blaring in my eardrum. I shot up, holding my ear in agony. I squint my eyes to clear up the blurry vision as I look down at the screen. I roll my eyes, flopping onto my stomach.

Mariella: You scared the hell out of me!

Ricky: Sorry.. Did I wake you?

Mariella: Ehh, kind of.

Ricky: Once again, sorry! Just trying to call you back.

Mariella: Well, I'm glad you remembered me.

Ricky: I thought you were mad at me? You never answered my calls or texts yesterday. So, I should be glad you remembered me.

Mariella: You didn't get my text? I was trapped in an elevator for 3 hours.

Ricky: What? I didn't get that text?!

Mariella: Well, I'm out now. I called Jc last night, but you were at the gym.

Ricky: You called Jc?

Ughh, time to explain..

Mariella: Yes, but I needed to speak with you to straighten things out.

Ricky: So?

Mariella: Like Jc told you, we're just friends. That kiss was just an in the moment kinda thing.

Ricky: So, you kiss every guy you have "a moment" with?


Mariella: No. It just kind of happened, on my part.. But, it was a friendly peck. It won't happen again!

He was quiet.

Mariella: Trust me. If something was going on, you would know. Bedsides, I have someone..

Ricky: Really now?

Mariella: Well, it's not really "someone". It's complicated. I'm trying to figure things out.

Then, it hit me. Like heavy bricks.

Mariella: Yeah..

Ricky: What??

Mariella: I was trying to figure things out the night before when we all went out and Jc kind of helped me sort my thoughts. See the bigger picture. So, that kiss was sort of like a thank you.

Ricky: Oh? Strange thank you..

I wasn't sure if he believed me, but it all made sense. In my mind at least. Why couldn't I think of that before.

Mariella: So.. We're all friends here?

He chuckles.

Ricky: I guess so.

I'll take it!

Mariella: Good! I'm glad we got that cleared up.

Ricky: So, you're not mad at me?

Mariella: Of course not.

Ricky: That's all I need to know!

I giggle.

Mariella: We'll talk later then?

Ricky: For sure.

Mariella: Mmkay, bye.

Ricky: Bye.

I hung up, feeling like a small weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The whole situation wasn't a big deal, but I was glad everyone was on equal terms.

I get up, walking to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I tie my hair up into a high bun and head to the kitchen. I step a foot out of my bedroom door and hear light sobbing. I look around. Veronica's bedroom door was wide open. I look inside, empty. Just a messy, unmade bed. I walk down the short hallway and peak into the living room. There Veronica sat, on the couch, sniffling and rubbing her eyes.

Mariella: Hey, V. What's wrong?

She looks in my direction, her expression seemed surprised that I was even awake. Her eyes were somewhat red and puffy. Her phone laid on the arm of the couch. She rubs her nose, messily wiping away her tears.

Veronica: I didn't know you were awake..

Mariella: I just got off the phone. What happened?

She softly smirks, drying her face with her tee-shirt.

Veronica: I just got off the phone with Luke..

Oh, no. I walk towards her, bending down and placing my hands on her knees.

Mariella: Did he break up with you?

Veronica: No..

I furrow my brows, perplexed.

Mariella: Then, why are you crying?

Veronica: He's leaving tonight for a month.

Mariella: To go back on tour?

Veronica: No, to shoot a music video for his new song.

Mariella: Well, that's exciting.

Show slowly nods her head. Not as excited.

Mariella: What did he say when he heard you getting upset?

Veronica: He didn't..

Mariella: He didn't say anything?

Veronica: N-no. I didn't cry when I was on the phone. I told him how proud I was and to do his best. I didn't want my feelings to ruin it. You should of heard how happy he was.

Mariella: Don't you think it's better to tell him how you feel?

Veronica: I'm sure it would, but I can't. His music is his career, it makes him happy and I don't want to get in the way of that.

Mariella: But, you make him happy too. You're his girlfriend. I'm sure he would be devastated to find out you were this upset while he's gone.

She shrugs, looking over at her phone.

Mariella: I know you'll make the right choice, but you don't have much time. So, think hard about it.

She sits there, motionless and unresponsive. I pat her knee before getting up and walking to the kitchen to make something to eat. It seemed like tough love, but Veronica is a smart girl. I try and help her as much as I can, but it's all up to her now.

She'll do the right thing. Now, I just have to take my own advice and let my feelings speak to me.

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