Chapter 81: Adrenaline.

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Meghan: Don't worry about him, I'm here.

I roll my eyes, checking the time again, 5:26.

Mariella: Meghan, I don't have time for your games! Tell me where Joey is.

She smirks.

Meghan: No need to yell, Mariella. I'll tell you. He's not coming.

Mariella: What? Why not?

Meghan: Because, I erased your message. He never heard it.

"No way.."

Mariella: Why would you do that??

Meghan: What don't you understand?! I don't want you speaking to him! He's not even friends with you anymore.

I smirk, pleased.

Mariella: You don't know? We've been talking for awhile now. We made up a long time ago.

Meghan: You're lying..

I grin, knowing I stumped her.

Mariella: He must've been keeping it from you.

Meghan: He tells me everything!

Mariella: Obviously, not. He's the one that texted me first to meet up at MY hotel at Vidcon to talk and clear things up.

She was silent. I pull out my phone and turn away, dialing a number.
Meghan: What are you doing?

I ignore her comment as the phone rings.

"Pick up.."

Joey: Hello?

Mariella: Joey! It's me!

Joey: Mariella, I-...

Meghan: No!!

I'm violently shoved forward, the phone slapped out of my hand. I gather my composure and turn around. Meghan picks up the phone off the curb and hangs up the call.

Meghan: Wow, your phones a wreck.

Mariella: Give it back, bitch.

She devilishly grins, tossing it into the big fountain.

Meghan: Go get it.

I furrow my brows, charging towards her in anger. I tackle her to the ground. She screams as her back hits the concrete. We roll around as a crowd begins to form. She grabs a wad of my hair in her right hand and pulls roughly. I yelp in agony. I grab her arms, digging my nails into her skin. Hoping I draw blood.

Meghan: Get off me!!

She plunges her knee into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. She manages to roll on top, pinning me down. I snatch one arm out from her grasp and slap her hard in the face. She jolts back, grabbing her cheek.

Bystander: Someone get the cops!

I try and wrestle away from her, but she grabs my necklace, choking me back. I reach around and yank a chunk of her hair, she screams as jostle her head around. Out of no where, two guys jump in and pull us apart. One has Meghan by her arms, while the other has his grasp around my waist. I assume it's the cops. My vision was somewhat blurry and my stomach ached. But, my adrenaline was pumping.

Mariella: Let go of me!

?: Calm down, Mariella..

I recognize the voice. I look to my left and notice two cops heading our way from afar. I look to Meghan. She's being held back by..



I look over my shoulder and see Jc, staring down at me, confused.

Jc: What the hell are you doing getting into a fight?? You could go to jail?!

Mariella: I didn't want to fight her!

I try and straighten out my knotted hair. Meghan flails around, trying to free herself.

Meghan: Stay away from Joey!! Let go-...

Connor continues tighten his grasp around her.

Connor: Chill out! The cops are coming.

I shoot her a glare. The cops approach the crowd.

Mariella: You can let go of me now..

Jc releases his grip, standing by my stand. One cop goes over to Meghan and Connor, while the other stands before Jc and I.

Cop: What seems to be the problem here?

Mariella: Just a misunderstand..

Jc: It's okay, officer. We managed to separate them.

Cop: I'm glad someone did. What started the fight?

Mariella: We got into an argument and she threw my phone into the fountain.

Cop: Did she throw the first punch?

Mariella: No.. I tackled her.

Cop: You understand you can be charged with assault?

"Assault? I never thought of it."

Jc: Officer, that won't be neces-...

He hold a hand up.

Cop: It's not up to me.

If she has somewhat of a heart, she won't charge me. I glance over and notice Meghan waving her arms around as she speaks to the other cop.

"This doesn't look good for me."

I didn't want to fight her, but she pissed me off. Jc places a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him.

Jc: Are you okay?

I nod, forcing a grin.

Joey: Mariella??

I look to my right and see Joey standing there in front of the crowd.

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