Chapter 8: Truth or Dare girl!

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Sawyer: I see 'someone' decided to come.

Veronica rolls her eyes as she got in the front seat of his car. I hop in the back and we drove to Shane's house.

There weren't too many cars parked outside his house, when we pull up. Was he just having a small get together? We walk to the front door and Sawyer rings the door bell.

Lisa: Hey! Come in..

Sawyer gave Lisa a hug and than turns in mine and Veronica's direction.

Sawyer: Lisa, this is Veronica and her sister Mariella. She just moved in with her.

Lisa: It's nice to meet you two! I've watched a few of your videos, Veronica. Your make-up tutorials are too cute!

Veronica smiles politely.

Veronica: Thank you! I've watched your videos as well. Maybe we can collab some time?

Lisa: Definitely!

We follow Lisa into the kitchen where everyone was huddled around talking and munching on snacks. Shane was having a conversation when he looked over and saw us.

He waves, walking over.

Shane: Hey Sawyer, Veronica and-..?

I awkwardly grin, turning to Veronica.

Veronica: Shane, this is my sister Mariella. She just moved in with me a couple of days ago.

He "Oh's".

Shane: Well, it's nice to meet you. The resemblance between you two is crazy!

And, here we go.. Can't go one day without being told we look alike! But, I'll let it slide since its Shane.

I met many other Youtubers as we walked around. Shanna Malcom, Katsketch, Steve Greene, Bre Esrig, Shane's brother, Jared and even his mom! She is one funny woman. We all laughed and conversed amongst ourselves as Shane pulled out his camera.

Shane: Hey! What's up you guys! So, we're at my moms house having a little party for my birthday!

Everyone began cheering in the background.

Shane: Everyone is here Shanna, Sawyer, Steve, Kat.. The whole gang! The only person that's missing is my man.

He pouts into the camera.

For all who don't know. His man is Joey Graceffa. You know, Shoey? I was a little upset I wasn't going to meet him. I was a huge fan! I mean, who doesn't love him?

Shane: Yes, Joey Graccceeffaaaa is at Comic-con and couldn't be with me tonight. So, I'm stuck with Lisa..

He points the camera in her direction. She makes a disgusted face but giggles moments after.

Shane: Haha, anyway so we're just hanging out. My mom put out a delicious spread of junk as usual.

He points the camera at the mounds of food on the kitchen counter.

Shane: Maybe we'll play a game.. Maybe, truth or dare.?

Everyone gasps in the background, than laughs.

Shane: So, let's move to the living room and get this party started!

Everyone crowds into the living room and I sit on the couch between Sawyer and Veronica.

Shane: Alright, so since its my birthday I get to choose who goes first.

He rubs his chin manically, scanning the camera around the room. He raises an eyebrow.

Shane: Veronica..

She smirks.

Veronica: Yes Shane?

Shane: Truth of Dare?

Veronica: I'm not going to be boring and pick truth, so dare!

Shane: I dare you to.. Have a twerk off between Shanna and my mom.

Veronica, Shanna and Shane's mom stand in the middle of the living room and start tweaking their asses off. It was hilarious! Veronica and Shanna started twerking on the wall, while Shane's mom just laughs and gyrates faster trying to keep up with them.

Shane's mom: There's no way I'm doing that! I won't be able to keep myself up on the wall!

The twerk off ends and it was a tie between all three of them. Even though in my opinion, Theresa took the cake with her quick speed gyration.

Shane: Alright! Next person is, Mariella.

Oh crap.

Shane: Truth or Dare, girl!

I pause, wanting to pick truth but I know I'll be scolded for it.

Mariella: I'll go with dare.

Shane: Good choice! I dare you to.. Kiss Sawyer.

What?! Did he just tell me to kiss Sawyer? I mean, I wouldn't mind.. But, after what I found out yesterday, I'm not sure if I should.

Sawyer: Alright.. Lets do this!

He would be up for it..

I'm getting nervous, god what should I do? For some reason, I look over at Veronica.

Veronica: Do it, Mariella! Shane's fans are waiting..

She lifts her hand up to his camera.

Right. It's just a game. I'm on the spot right now in front of this camera, so I have too.

Mariella: Alright..

Sawyer and I both face each other. We start to lean in. I gaze into his eyes for a quick second before closing them. He has gorgeous blue eyes. Our lips meet and my nerves vanishes. We stay like that for a few more seconds before separating. It felt nice to kiss him. His lips were soft.

Shane: Alright. Next is Kat!

No big deal.

We continue playing until everyone has a turn. After the game, we chat some more before people start to leave since it was getting late.

Shane: Alright you guys, Lisa and I are about to head home for the night. So, I hope you guys had fun hanging with us, we had fun hanging with you and I will see you, tomorrow. Bye!

He zooms the camera into his mouth, than turns it off. His signature.

We say goodbye to everyone and walk to Sawyer's car.

Veronica: That was fun!

Mariella: For sure! I can't wait to get home and sleep.

Sawyer: Yeah.. And, how about that kiss between Mariella and I?

Veronica pushes Sawyer, making a face. I wasn't sure if it was mean't to be playful or serious, but I didn't think much of it after that. What I did question was, were they ever in a relationship? Was Veronica a little jealous about what happened? I want to know more, but I'm afraid to ask. Also, Veronica doesn't even know that Sawyer told me about 'them'. How was I even going to bring that up?

We pull up to the apartment and Veronica and I got out.

Mariella: Thanks for inviting us to the party.

Sawyer: No problem! Good luck on Monday.

I thank him and wave, turning my gaze onto Veronica.

Veronica: I'll be up in a second.

I cock my head to the side.

Mariella: Uh.. Okay..

I leave her behind, walking towards the apartment. Why is she not coming with me? What is she going to say to him that I'm not aloud to hear? Why is she being so secretive?

Then a thought came to mind.. Does Veronica love Sawyer?

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