Chapter 59: A fan girls dream.

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Lisa: You two wanna come?

Veronica: I'm there!

Lisa: Mariella?

Mariella: I think, I'll pass..

Veronica: What, why? You've never been to Downtown Disney before.

Mariella: I know, but maybe next time. Besides, I don't want to be the 5th wheel.

Lisa places her hands on her hips.

Lisa: You sure? We can invite more people..

Mariella: It's okay. You guys have fun.

Veronica: Fine! But, you're missing out.

I smirk, playfully rolling my eyes. We part ways as Lisa and Veronica go to catch up with their men, while I head towards the hotel.

The sun was going down as I made my way down the sidewalk. I was anxious about this meet up with Joey. What made him decide to want to have a conversation with me? I enter through the glass sliding doors of the hotel. I stop at the elevator, waiting for it to come down. It was already 7, just one hour left. I debate in my head, wether or not to sit and wait in the lobby or go to the room. Before I could make a final decision, the elevator dings open.

Mariella: I guess, it's too late to wait out here.

I step in and press my floor number. When I reach the top, I almost collide into someone riding on a skateboard. I'm glad I moved out of the way in the nick of time!

?:  Whoa! My bad.

I scoot away, walking backwards.

Mariella: No.. It's-... Jc?

He picks up his board, staring at me.

Jc: Hey! You're Ricky's friend.. Mariella, was it?

I nod.

Mariella: Yeah.

Jc: Knew it! How could I forget a pretty name like that.

I giggle, like an idiot.

Mariella: Nice skateboard..

Jc: "Pennyboard."

I cock my head to the side.

Mariella: What?

Jc: It's actually a pennyboard. It's much smaller than a skateboard.

Mariella: Oh, sorry.

Jc: Nah, it's cool. Ever ridden one before?

Mariella: No. Are you even aloud to ride that inside?

He shrugs, grinning.

Jc: Probably not.

The elevator starts to close.

Jc rushes over, sticking his pennyboard in front of it.

Jc: Uh, hey.. Have any plans for tonight? The rest of us are going to Downtown Disney to ride for awhile. Wanna come? I could teach you how to skate.

He flashes a cute smile.

Mariella: As much fun as that sounds, I can't. I'm meeting up with someone.

His smile falls.

Jc: Ah. I see.

He scratches the back of his head. The elevator starts to close again. He throws himself in front of the sliding door as it hits the side of his arm, opening back up. I chuckle. He looks at me and smirks, shaking his head at the ground.

Jc: Maybe next time then?

I half smile.

Mariella: Yeah. Sure.

He steps back inside the elevator. It begins to close and I wave goodbye. He saults, grinning as it shuts completely. I continue my walk down the hallway. I shake my head, laughing.

Mariella: A fan girls dream..




I sat on the couch as time slowly passes by. My leg was shaking, uncontrollably. I kept checking the time, over and over again.





The stress is killing me! I'm about to just go down there and sit outside on the curb! I check my phone for the final time.

7:52. That's it, I'm going! I can't wait up here, anymore. I grab my things, slamming the door behind me. I speed walk down the hall with determination. I slam my hand on the elevator button. It arrives and I get inside.

Why am I so determined to get to him? Am I expecting something good to happen? Is the conversation going to change things between us? Am I overreacting for nothing?

My foot begins to tap on the floor. Just take a breather and calm down. I reach the lobby and zoom out of the elevator.

Stop acting so rash, Mariella..

The automatic sliding doors open. I stop once I'm outside. A small breeze gusts through my hair. I cross my arms. I rushed out here, for nothing! He's not even-...

Joey: Hey..

I look over and there he is, sitting on the curb. The same exact place I wanted to sit and wait for him.

Mariella: Hi..

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