Chapter 11: Table for one?

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We end the conversation on a positive note and I left. Relieved, but very informed.

I was glad I went to speak with him, because I learned 2 things. One, Sawyer and Veronica aren't perfect and they did make some bad decisions. And two, Veronica is a sneaky bitch! Why did she leave out the part where she jumped Sawyer for sex!

I know, she was tipsy, but I'm sure her brain was functioning enough to remember that!

It was already 7o'clock when I arrived home. I threw her car keys on the kitchen counter and storm into her room.

Mariella: You sneaky bitch!

She was sitting on her bed, shocked and confused by my comment.

Veronica: Excuse me? Where did that come from?

Mariella: I went to Sawyer's and he told me everything! Why did you leave out the part where you came onto him!

I knew she would be upset that I went and talked to Sawyer. But, I didn't care.

She leaves out too much information and makes herself look sweet and innocent. When in reality, she's just sneaky and horny!

Veronica: Why did you go to his place? Did you not believe what I told you?

I narrow my eyes.

Mariella: Don't avoid the question! I did believe you.. Until, I found out you left out an important detail! I just went over there to talk and see how he felt about everything-..

She cuts me off.

Veronica: I didn't leave anything out! I just didn't think it was necessary to tell you. Why are you snooping around in my business anyway?

My mouth gaps open.

Mariella: I am not snooping! You and Sawyer won't have any sort of friendship if you keep acting like you are!

Her eyes widen. She was clearly pissed.

Veronica: Get. Out.

She sprung up from her bed and shoved me towards the door.

Mariella: Veronica, just listen-...

I struggle, only to feel her hands grip tighter around my shoulders.

Veronica: GET OUT! I will not have my little sister telling me what to do!

She shoves me out, slamming the door in my face. I hit the door with my hand.

Mariella: Veronica! I'm just being honest with you!

I turn the knob. Locked. She begins to yell again.

Veronica: I don't need your honesty or your help! You don't know anything about what went on!

I sigh, grabbing my head and walking to my room. That conversation did not go the way I wanted it too. I didn't even get to tell her what Sawyer said. She just blew up on me. I wasn't even snooping. Well, I guess it was somewhat snoopy, but I did it for a good reason.

Me trying to clear the air between the two of them failed. Miserably. Maybe, I should just get them into a room together. Lock the door and hope they talk it out amongst themselves.

I don't know.. That may cause more of an issue.

I'd be called a snooper and a meddler then.

I flop onto my bed. I had a horrible headache. I pull the covers over my body, just staring at my phone. I don't know how long I stayed that way, but I ended up falling asleep.




My eyes flutter open as I turn over and see the bright sun light peaking through my curtains.

Morning? Wait. What time is it?! I shuffle around looking for my phone. Nothing. I flung the covers up and look over the side of the bed. There it laid, on the floor. I quickly scoop it up and check the time, 9:40.

You've got to be kidding me! If I'm late to this interview, I was sure to not get the job! I race to my closest and throw on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a nice dress shirt and flats. I ran to the bathroom and brush my teeth while putting my hair up in a tight bun. I quickly did my make-up and check myself in the mirror before grabbing my phone, frantically looking for the car keys.

They were still laying on the kitchen counter, where I had left them last night. I didn't bother to ask for the car or even check if Veronica was awake. I jump in drivers seat, checking the time again, 9:55. I sped off. I only had five minutes to get there and I didn't care if I was speeding!

I just hoped the cops weren't out.. That would be just my luck. I pull into a parking spot in front of the cafe and put on lipstick before heading in. Once inside, I look around, the place was pretty empty, except for a few people here and there.

Lady: Table for one?

I shake my head.

Mariella: Oh no. I'm here for a job interview.

She smiles, leading me to the back of the cafe. She points to a white door.

Lady: Just go through that door and the manager will be inside.

I thank her as she walks off. I take a deep breath before lightly knocking.

Manager: Come in..

The voice was deep. Crap, the manager is a guy? I was even more nervous now. I would be more comfortable chatting with a woman.

I walk through the door to see a much older man. Possibly, in his 50's or 60's. He was standing by a coffee machine, holding a mug.

Manager: Can I help you?

I tap my finger on the edge of the door.

Mariella: Um, I'm Mariella Hernandez. I'm here for the job interview.

He pours the black coffee into his cream colored mug, grinning.

Manager: Oh, great! Lets take a seat outside and we'll chat.

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