Chapter 77: Pain.

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I stood at the door, hesitating to knock.

I needed to set things straight. I took a deep breathe and raised my arm. I knocked on the door several times.

It was silent as I waited. No answer.

I knocked harder, than stood back. Still nothing.

I grabbed the door handle to shake it, but it turned all the way, opening.

Why is the door unlocked??

I walked inside, locking the door behind me. The living room was empty. A familiar face came rushing down the stairs.

Mariella: Hey, Hitch..

I bent down and pet his head. He smelled my hand, than began to lick my palm.

Mariella: Where's Sawyer, buddy?

I stood up and looked around.

Mail was piled up on the counter, but what was beside the letters caught my eye. I picked up a full pill bottle and read the label.


Why is he taking this??

I made my way up the stairs, pill bottle in hand. It was way too quiet.

When I reached Sawyer's room, the door was closed. I became nervous. I was afraid of what I was going to see when I opened the door.

I placed my hand on the knob and slowly turned it. The door eased open and I see Sawyer laying on his back in bed. His eyes were closed.

Was he asleep?

Mariella: Sawyer..

I walked to his side of the bed and placed my hand on his cheek.

Mariella: Sawyer?

The slits of his eyes began to creep open. It seemed like he couldn't fully open them.

Sawyer: What are you doing here??

His harsh tone made my heart ache. I removed my hand from his cheek.

Mariella: I came to talk to you..

Sawyer: Why?

Mariella: This is long over due but, I wanted to thank you for the flowers.

Sawyer: That's it??

Mariella: No. Why did you leave Vidcon early?

He sat up.

Sawyer: What does it matter?? You seemed to have other things going on..

Referring to the online pictures. I rolled my eyes.

Mariella: That's also why I came to talk. I'm not dating Jc. What you saw isn't true.

Sawyer: Then why was he groping your ass?!

Sawyer seemed out of it. He kept blinking rapidly, almost like he was trying to clear his vision.

Mariella: Why are you taking OxyContin?

Sawyer: What.??

Mariella: Why are you taking these?!

I tossed the full bottle into his lap. He looked down at the bottle, than back at me.

Sawyer: What are you trying to say? I take them when my legs hurts.

Mariella: Just when your leg hurts??

He gives me a disgusted face.

Sawyer: What are you getting at, Mariella?! Don't try and change the subject. First Ricky now Jc, who knows who else you've been with?!

You're kidding me..

Mariella: I was never with Ricky and I'm not with Jc. Your one to talk, you can't even admit you're seeing someone!

Sawyer closes his eyes for several minutes before answering me.

Sawyer: J-Just get out..

Mariella: I'm not leaving!

Sawyer: Mariella, if you don't go-...

A loud thud comes from down stairs.

???: *Yells* Sawyer!

I turn my attention to the doorway, than back at Sawyer.

He looks like a different person..

I glance over and notice something startling on his bedside drawer. I reach out and pick up a half empty bottle. The same kind of pill bottle I brought up from down stairs.

Mariella: Oh my-...

Evan: *Yells* Sawyer?!

I look at Evan who is now standing in the doorway.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I lift up the bottle, showing it to him.

Mariella: Did you know.?

Sawyer: Evan.. W-what are you doing here.?

Evan: You need to go.

He rushes towards me and grabs my arm. I pull away from him.

Mariella: Did you know he was taking these!

He just stares at me.

Mariella: Did you get these for him?!

Evan: Mariella, let's go..

He tries to grab ahold of me.

Mariella: No!! Answer me?!

I try to push him off, but he's too strong. He turns me around and tightly wraps his arms around my stomach, lifting me out of the room.

Mariella: No! Let go of me!

I slap his arms and kick around as he backs out towards the door. I look at Sawyer as he just sits and watches as I'm being dragged out.

Mariella: No!! Sawyer?!

I flail around as I'm brought down the stairs, yelling, tears streaming down my face. Hitch begins to bark and run around.

Evan reaches the front door and opens it with his right hand. Tightly gripping around my stomach with his left, almost shortening my breathe.

He flings the door open and forcefully shoves me out. I stumble, trying to catch my balance

Evan: Go home, Mariella!

I spin around, hoping to push my way back inside, but he slams the door in my face. I bang on the door, continually.

Mariella: Evan! Open the damn door!! Evan?! Please!!

I slam my fists, hard onto the wooden door until they're red and ache with pain.

What do I do.??

I wipe away a few stray tears from my cheek. I stare at the door, wide-eyed, lightly sobbing.

This can't be happening..

I was frozen. My phone began to ring. I looked down and saw it vibrating on the concrete. It must've fallen out and I didn't notice.

I didn't even want to answer it..

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