Chapter 18: "LC"?

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Sawyer: What are you talking about?

Mariella: Veronica. Is she with you?

Sawyer: No. Why would she be with me?

He has to be lying. Where else would she be?

Mariella: She left this morning, saying she would be at Tyler's shooting a video all day.

Sawyer: Maybe they finished up early?

Mariella: That's very unlikely. I just spoke with Tyler and he hasn't spoken to her since he picked us up from the airport.

He was quiet.

Mariella: Your not lying to me are you?

Sawyer: What, no! I haven't seen or spoken to her.

His voice was stern. I couldn't not believe him. He had no reason to lie, or at least I couldn't think of one. I mean, he did bring her home when she barged into his place unwelcome and piss drunk..

What the hell? Where is she then?

Mariella: Well, I guess I'll try and call her.

Sawyer: This isn't going to mess up our plans tonight, is it?

He really must want to go out tonight.

Mariella: Well, Veronica has-...

He cuts me off, mid sentence.

Sawyer: Picking you up is still on the table.

What if Veronica comes home before then? What will she think if she sees me get in the car with him? I don't want any problems, but she seems to be stirring up trouble now by pulling this bullshit..

You know what, who cares. She keeps hiding things from me so, I don't give a shit anymore! Two can play at this game.

Mariella: Alright.

Sawyer: Great! I'll see you then.

I say goodbye, hanging up. I call Veronica's cellphone. It rings a few times before going to voicemail. I call again, same thing. I call once more. This time it went straight to voicemail.

What the hell. Is she ignoring my calls?

"After the tone, please record your message-.."

[Voicemail]- Veronica answer your damn phone! I know you lied to me about being with Tyler. Where the hell are you?! I need the car!

I hung up, furious. Why is she being so shady? What does she not want me to know?

My head was killing me. I walk to my bathroom and check the medicine cabinet. My aspirin was gone. I then realize,I had given them to Veronica when she had that grueling hangover.

I went into her room, straight to the bathroom. I look inside her medicine cabinet and there they were. As I walk out, pill bottle in hand, I notice her laptop was open and running.

I sat on the side of her bed and did some real "snooping". Her email was open, so I decided to look. Maybe next time, she'll remember to log out. I click the tab and a page pops up. I go down the line of recent messages. She was exchanging numerous emails with someone by the name of "LC".

Is this the person she's with now?

I read some of the conversations out loud till, one particular email caught my eye.

(LC)- I'll be in town this week, so we should meet up and have some alone time together before I have to go back on tour.

Tour? Who is this person? Are they famous or something?

I close the browser, walking to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

My head was pounding! My thoughts were running in circles. I had no idea what was going on. But, I was going to find out.

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