Chapter 75: Get on that.

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I raise my hands up, softly closing the door behind me.

Tyler lifts Veronica's head up, slowly maneuvering his body out from under her. He places a small pillow under her head and covers her up with a thin blanket. He points to the hallway, indicated that we would talk in my room. I nod, quietly following suit. We make it into my room, closing the door before sitting on the bed.

Mariella: How is she?

Tyler: Alright. We talked for awhile.

Mariella: How long have you been here?

Tyler: Since 6.

Mariella: Did she decide to call Luke?

Tyler: I tried, but she refused.

I sigh, falling back onto my pillow.

Mariella: I'm sure he's on a plane by now..

Tyler: We tried, girl. You can't force someone to do something that aren't comfortable with doing. She'll just have to learn the hard way.

Mariella: How long has she been asleep?

Tyler: Not long, maybe 20 minutes. I finally got her to stop crying and just relax.

Mariella: We can't let her stay like this for a month.

Tyler: I know. Will figure out something..

He lays back, looking over at me.

Tyler: Well, how was work?

I quickly sit up, crossing my legs.

Mariella: Not the best.

Tyler: What happened?

Mariella: I met the new employee.

He sits up.

Tyler: What was so bad about that?

Mariella: It's that Evan guy. The one that was with Sawyer the day he broke his leg.

Tyler: I've met him. Good looking guy..

Mariella: That's the only thing he's got going for him. Did you know Sawyer let that guy move in?

Tyler: Really? Doesn't Joey still have some things of his in that spare room?

Mariella: I don't know. Probably! You should have heard what this prick said.

His eyes narrow.

Tyler: I'm listening..

Mariella: He was like, "Hey, you were Sawyers girl."

I grumble, mocking his voice.

Tyler: But, you two weren't dating?

Mariella: I said that and he goes, "I know".

His right eyebrow rose.

Tyler: Sawyer must've told him some things.

Mariella: Obviously! He even asked if Joey and I were still on the outs. When I told him we were okay he said, "Sawyer knew that would happen".

Tyler: Wow. What's his deal?

Mariella: Oh, it gets better! Before he walked off he says, "Next time you see Joey, tell him I said thanks for the room".

He furrows his eyebrows.

Tyler: Is he trying to start something?

Mariella: Either that, or Sawyer is bashing Joey and I and telling everyone!

Tyler: I don't think Sawyer would do that to you. Joey, maybe. But, you..

Mariella: I don't know. I hope he isn't. I haven't done anything.

Tyler: You need to tell Joey.

I slowly nod.

Mariella: I will. But, I feel like I need to talk to Sawyer first.

Tyler: You still haven't spoken to him?

I shake my head, side to side.

Mariella: No. I've been putting it off.

Tyler: Well, you need to get on that!

He gives me a sassy look.

Mariella: I know, I know. I should probably drop by Sawyer's apartment and chat with both of them.

Tyler: Why both?

Mariella: Because, Evan's presence is cutting back on my hours! I need to come to an agreement with him on splitting morning shifts. I really don't want to speak to that thing, but I have no other options.

Tyler: He's that good?

Mariella: Apparently so. He's only been there a week and the manager thinks he's amazing. He wasn't even suppose to be a permanent employee.

I place my head in my hands. Tyler smirks.

Tyler: Aren't you glad you moved out here. Things wouldn't be this interesting in Georgia.

I chuckle, turning my head is his direction.

Mariella: That's true. But, sometimes I wonder why I even came out here.




Tyler left at around 10:30. He insisted on coming over again tomorrow. I didn't disagree. Veronica needed as much supervision as possible till she came to her senses.

I walk over to the couch, bending down beside her. Her nose was red and she was slightly snoring. She looked peacefull. I didn't want to wake her, but I also didn't want to leave her on the couch all night. I began rubbing her back.

Mariella: Veronica?

She peaks one eye open.

Veronica: Hmm..

She hums.

Mariella: Come on, lets get you to bed.

She groggily responds.

Veronica: W-where's Tyler?

Mariella: He just left. He'll be back tomorrow. Come on, get up..

I help lift her up, as she slowly rose to her feet. I wrap the blanket around her shoulders and walk her to her room. She immediately crashes onto the bed, without another word. I grin, stroking her hair saying a final goodnight. I crack her door so I could hear in case she decides to call me in the middle of the night.

I strip my work clothes off and slip into a pair of comfy pajamas. I slid under the covers, wiggling around to get comfortable. I was pleased to finally relax and fall into a deep slumber. Just as I close my eyes, my phone goes off on my bedside drawer.

A new message.

[Jc]: I hope you're prepared for this.

Attached to the text were two different links.

I click on the first. It loads slowly, but once the full page pops up, I couldn't believe what I was looking at. My mouth gapes open as I read every line.

Who do you Love? | Joey Graceffa&Sawyer HartmanOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara