Chapter 35: Personally.

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Veronica: When did you two go out to dinner?

Why can't I just keep quiet. I sigh, clearing my throat.

Mariella: He just took me to some Italian place as a congratulations dinner. It wasn't a big deal.

Veronica: Oh. How did the subject of dating come up?

Mariella: Well, the dinner didn't turn out too great. The waitress was a bitch and ended up spilling wine in my lap. So, we went back to his apartment to eat and wash my skirt.

Her eyes widen.

Veronica: You were in your panties the whole time?!

She can't be serious.

Mariella: No! Idiot! Sawyer gave me a pair of sweatpants!

Her face softens back to normal.

Mariella: Anyway. I found out Joey was Sawyer's roommate and he made a comment about us being a cute couple. And, that's when Sawyer said he would never date me.

Veronica: Why would he say that?

I shrug.

Mariella: I don't know. But, I didn't tell you any of this before because I wasn't sure you were really over Sawyer.

She grins.

Veronica: I'm glad you thought about my feelings. But now, I'm not the only one that hides things.

I reluctantly agree.

Mariella: I know, I know.

She pats my leg, getting up.

Veronica: Maybe, you should go talk to him.


Mariella: And say what? What's our label?

She chuckles.

Veronica: Just be honest with him and ask him straight up.

Mariella: I'm not like you! I'll figure something out.

Veronica: In the mean time, don't worry about Joey. I'm sure he'll get over everything.

She walks back to her room, leaving me with my thoughts. I sigh once again as my phone goes off.

[Meghan]- Hey, Mariella! Do you think we can meet up? :)

What if Joey's with her? I don't want to see him. I never thought I would hear myself say those words.

[Mariella]- Is Joey with you?

[Meghan]- No, he left somewhere a few minutes ago. Why?

She really doesn't know anything? Maybe, she's just clueless?

[Mariella]- No reason. Where do you wanna meet at?

[Meghan]- My place?

I've never been to Meghan's house before. What if Joey shows up? Wait, what does it matter? Meghan's my friend too. Even though, their dating now and probably sleeping together. Agh! I don't know that. Stop thinking about it!

[Mariella]- Alright.

She texts me the directions to her place. I rush to my room and change into comfortable shorts and a hoodie. I close my bedroom door, peeking into Veronica's room.

Mariella: I'll be back.

Veronica: Going to talk to Sawyer?

Mariella: No. I'm going to Meghan's.

She makes a weird face.

Veronica: Why?

Mariella: She texted me and asked me to come over.

She raises an eyebrow.

Veronica: And? You're going?

I nod.

Mariella: Yeah. Why wouldn't I?

Veronica: Just be careful. I think something shady is going on.

"Be careful?"

She acts like I'm going to get hurt.

Mariella: Why do you say that?

Veronica: I just don't trust that girl.

Mariella: I think I'll be okay..

She puts her hands up.

Veronica: Okay.



Pulling up to Meghan's house made me very anxious. Why did she want to meet up so late? I knock on the door. It quickly flings open.

Meghan: Hey!

She pulls me into a hug and motions for me to come in. Her home was nice and simple. I sat down on the couch. I notice a duffle bag full of clothes. Must be Joey's. I wonder where he is?

Meghan: So, how has working at the cafe been?

Mariella: Fine.

Meghan: That's good.

The atmosphere was awkward. Things seemed different.

Meghan: So, I wanted to talk to you about Joey.

Mariella: Okay?

Meghan: I want you to stay away from him.

She smiles, happily.


Mariella: I'm sorry?

Did I hear her correctly?

Meghan: I'd like you to please, stay away from him.

"Stay away?"

Mariella: Why?

Meghan: Don't take it personally. You guys can still be friends but, from afar.

Why is she saying this to me?

Mariella: I don't understand.

Meghan: What's not to understand? I'm telling you nicely to keep your distance.

I smirk out of habit.

Mariella: That's the thing. Why are you telling me to stay away?

Meghan: Because, all you do is upset him and cause drama. I'm first priority in Joey's life now and I'm the only one that can make him happy. I don't need you ruining that.

She's crazy!

Mariella: I thought we were friends.

She grins.

Meghan: We are! So if you're a true friend, you'll do as I say.

Mariella: And, what if I don't?

Her face becomes serious.

Meghan: If you know what's good for you, you'll stay far away.

Is she threatening me? I can't believe this. I should've listened to Veronica. She's obsessed with Joey and now she's isolating him to herself.

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