Chapter 69: Echoes.

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I sat there, staring up at the red light. Veronica and I had been stuck in the elevator for over 30 minutes. I don't understand what's taking the fire department so long?

Sending that embarrassing text was the last thing I wanted to do. But, who knows how long we're going to be in here for. The silence was killing me. I began to feel claustrophobic.

Mariella: I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Veronica: I feel the same way, Mariella. But, it's just a waiting game at this point.

I look at my phone, 1:40.

I sigh, leaning my head back on the elevator wall. I turn and look over to Veronica. She was fiddling with her bag.

Mariella: What are you doing?

Veronica: I'm exhausted. So, I might as well take this time to rest.

She flattens her bag, positioning it against the front wall. She lays down, resting the side of her head on it. She squints at me before closing her eyes. I guess she has the right idea. I place my back comfortably against the back wall and slightly angle my head to the side.

I was just going to rest my eyes. No sleeping.




I was not asleep. Or, at least I thought.

Pure darkness enveloped my vision. My eyes weren't open, but I could see a blurry color of dark orange. I was still. My mind empty. I eventually felt my eyes slowly open.

I look around. Veronica seemed to be asleep. She was turned over in the opposite direction, facing the right wall.

The red light seemed to be dimmer than it was before. Was it going out? Would we be in total darkness in a matter of minutes?

I yawn, picking my phone up off the elevator floor. I press the top button as the bright light shot on, piercing my eyes. As my vision adjusted, I look at the time. 2:33.

I was shocked, I guess I must've dozed off.

I set my phone in my lap. I close my eyes, covering my hands over my face. What is taking so long? It's been over an hour now?!

Out of no where, a few faint bangs echo. I was startled by the sound. I lift my head from my hands and listen, intently. I heard them again in a matter of seconds, followed by a muffled voice. It sounded like it was coming from below us. I got on my knees and bent down, pressing my right ear against the floor. Nothing. Just utter silence.

What was that? Did the fire department finally arrive? I sat up, still listening. Quiet.

Maybe, I was hearing things. Was I already hallucinating? Suddenly, loud bangs filled the elevator. I scream in panic. Veronica shot up, spinning around quickly.

Veronica: What was that?!

They continue, much closer and louder than before.

?: Hello?!

I widen my eyes at Veronica.

Mariella: That must be the fire department!

We both sprung up, pressing our hands against the sliding door.

Veronica: Hey! We're in here!

I bang on the door.

Mariella: Hello! We're here! We can hear you!

?: Girls?!

Thank god, their here!

Veronica: Yes! Can you get us out?!

? : Babe?!

What? "Babe?" Veronica rose an eyebrow.

Veronica: Luke??

Luke: Yeah! It's me!

Luke? What about the fire department?! How does he know we're in here?

Veronica: What are you doing here?!

Luke: Joey called me and told me about you two being stuck inside the elevator!

Joey did?

Joey: You two okay?!

He's here?!

Mariella: We're okay! Is the fire department here?!

Joey: No!

I lean off the door. What the hell?!

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