Chapter 30: You're wrong!

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It was pouring down rain as I clock out. I had no umbrella and the parking lot was deserted. Just mine and Claire's cars were left.

Claire: Well, I hope everything works out..

I give her a weird look.

Mariella: What do you mean?

Claire: I kind of "over heard" your conversation with your friend.

She was ease dropping? I was a little loud.

Mariella: Oh, we'll thanks.

She pats me on the shoulder before racing off to her car. I do the same as a loud clap of thunder echoes through the sky. It didn't even call for thunder storms today.

I drive carefully down the road as the windshield wipers frantically whisk back and forth. I hate driving in a down pour. You could get into a car crash easily by not being able to see where you're going.

I sigh in relief as I park the car in front of the apartment building. I run up the stairs practically slipping. I was soaked! I enter the front door, shivering.

Veronica: How was work?

Thank god, she's home!

Mariella: Good, until it started raining.

She barely smiles as she sat there on the couch, watching tv. I went to my bedroom, kicked off my Keds and peeled my wet clothes off. I change into a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie. I come back, sitting down next to Veronica. She fiddles with the remote, until turning off the tv.

Veronica: I think we should talk now..

I was mentally preparing myself for what I was about to hear.

Mariella: Alright.

She stays quiet for a moment, looking down. I hate seeing her look so pitiful, but it was time for her to fess up.

Veronica: I wanted to be the one to tell you about the drugs.

Mariella: What was holding you back?

She frowns, shutting her eyes tightly.

Veronica: You're my little sister.. I didn't want to tell you that the person you're suppose to look up to, did drugs. Joey took that away from me and made me look like a horrible person.

Mariella: He was only looking out for me. You didn't have to go and tell Sawyer.

She looked surprised.

Veronica: How did you-...?

Mariella: Joey came by the Cafe. He got kicked out of his apartment, Veronica..

Veronica: It's not his apartment! Sawyer had every right to kick him out! He can't just go around telling other people about his past. It's wrong!

I furrow my eyebrows.

Mariella: No, what you did was wrong! Turning two friends against each other after all he did to help Sawyer get clean. Think about how hard it must've been for Joey to keep such a big secret. I'm sure he felt like shit!

Her mouth gapes open.

Veronica: What about me?! What about how I felt! I had to get myself help! No one cared enough to help me!

Tears stream down her face. I didn't know she fought this by herself.

Mariella: Why didn't you tell me? Or, mom and dad?

She vigorously shakes her head.

Veronica: I couldn't tell them! They would think I was a failure. That I couldn't handle living alone. I didn't want people to talk shit about me. I can't take anymore judgement.

I thought back to what Tyler had texted me:

[Tyler]- Maybe she's just scared to tell you everything. She doesn't want you to judge her like everyone else has.

I wrap Veronica in a tight embrace as she cried on my shoulder. I stoke her hair, making light shushing sounds.

Mariella: Veronica, I'm not like everyone else. I'm your sister and no matter what happens, I will never judge you. I only want the best for you and if you ever need my help, I will always be there.

She couldn't control her emotions enough to answer back. I just sat there, rubbing circles in her back. She rose from the hug, her eyes red and puffy. I wipe a stray tear off her cheek.

Veronica: I-I'm-m s-s-sorry-y..

She sniffles, rubbing her nose.

Mariella: You don't have to say you're sorry anymore.

Veronica: N-no! I'm sorry I left you.

"Left me"?

Oh, I completely forgot about that.

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