Chapter 15: Here's my #

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Shit! She still seems mad. What do I tell her? Just as I was about to reply my phone rings again.

[Veronica]- Don't ignore me! You should have been home by now. You better not be with Sawyer!

She doesn't even give me a chance to reply. And, why would I be with Sawyer? Does she think I'm stupid enough to go back and cause more trouble after hearing her wrath last night.

[Mariella]- I'm not with Sawyer! I'll be home later. I'm with some friends.

I sigh and set my phone down on the table. Meghan looks to me with a confused facial expression.

Meghan: Is everything okay?

Before I could answer, my phone goes off.

Mariella: Sorry. One second.

I felt so rude! It's all Veronica's fault! Why does she have to hold a grudge? Forgive and forget, right?

[Veronica]- You could've at least told me you would be gone longer. And, what "Friends"?

[Mariella]- I'll explain when I get home. But just to let you know, I got the job. If you even care.

I lock my phone and set it down again on the table.

Mariella: I'm sorry about that. Just Veronica wondering where I am.

Meghan: Oh. Tell her I said hello!

Sorry Meghan, but I don't think she's in the mood for "hello's". I pretend to text her as I notice Joey hasn't returned yet.

Mariella: What's taking him-...

As I turn around, I see the problem. Two young girls are standing there, fangirling over him.

Mariella: Does that happen a lot?

Meghan: Well, sometimes..

"Sometimes"? It's happened quite a lot today. I mean, I'm older, I can control myself, but wouldn't it get annoying to have to deal with young girls drooling over you all the time. I'm not sure if this is jealousy. But, if it is.. It's kind of weird that I'm jealous of 13 year olds.

Meghan and I watch, as Joey smiles and laughs away with the girls. Of course, any woman, young or old would be charmed by his gorgeous smile. They finally leave and he walks over, his cup now empty.

Mariella: Someone was thirsty.

Joey: I didn't realize I was drinking so fast, till I got away from those girls.

He sat down and we continue chatting for awhile, before heading out. It was now 6:25 and I wasn't too thrilled about going home. Veronica hadn't even bothered to text back and say "Screw you" or "Congratulations on getting the job". I would've at least been happy with something.

Meghan: It was nice meeting and hanging out with you. We should callob some time!

"Collab?" Was I slowly becoming a YouTuber..

Mariella: Yeah, definitely.

We exchange numbers before waving and hugging, goodbye. She left in the opposite direction as I trail beside Joey to our cars. It was silent, but pleasant. I was glad to have a few minutes of alone time with him.

Joey: So, what did you think of "The Grove"?

Mariella: It was nice. I'm glad you invited me.

Joey: Well, I'm glad you decided to come!

I felt my cheeks getting warm. Was I blushing? Oh god, I was just trying to flirt with him a little. I didn't know it would turn out like this.

Joey: We should-....

My phone cut him off. Ugh! People are so rude!

Mariella: I'm sorry..

He shook his head, grinning, gesturing me to ahead.

[Sawyer]- So? How'd the interview go?

My heart fell to my stomach. Why did Sawyer have to text me now. I shoved my phone into my back pocket.

Mariella: Sorry. It was just a friend.

Joey: It's cool. What I was saying was, we should hang out again sometime.

My cheeks burn red. I hope it wasn't noticeable.

Mariella: Yeah, we should.

Joey: Here, let me give you my number.

I think I moved too quickly as I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and flung it towards him. He didn't notice my excitement, as he took it out of my hand and typed in his info. He hands it back to me as we said our goodbyes. He leans in, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, giving me a side hug. It wasn't as passionate as the hug he have Meghan, but it was still nice.

I jump in the car, staring at my phone screen. I had Joey Graceffa's number! I calm myself before starting the car and driving towards the apartment. Two things pop into my head as I drove.

One, was I falling hard for Joey? And two, why did I get that nervous, sinking feeling when Sawyer texted me?

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