Chapter 2: Meet up with us?

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Once we were on the plane, I passed out while listening to Veronica blab about Youtube and how great it's been since she's lived in LA. The time flew by quick.

Before I knew it, someone was shaking me, calling my name out.

Veronica: Mariella, Wake up! We're landing!

I slowly open my eyes, widely yawning.

I look out the airplane window. Nothing but palm trees and blue skies. We got off the plane and walk towards baggage claim.

Veronica: Mariella, there's one of your bags!

I ran and grabbed my first huge suitcase. It felt heavier than before. I guess that's what happens when you try and cram everything you own into just two suitcases.

Mariella: Are we taking a taxi back to your apartment?

She shakes her head.

Veronica: Nope. Someone is coming to pick us up.

We gather everything together and walk outside. The sun was beaming and the air was filled with the scent of sea salt. Veronica was texting on her phone as we waited for whom ever was coming to get us.

?: V!!

A car pulls up, a guy with blonde hair and glasses waves at us. She frantically waves in his direction.

Veronica: Tyler! Thank god, you're here! It's so hot!

I couldn't believe it, my sister got Tyler Oakley to pick us up! I gather my belongings and drag them to the car.

Tyler: You're lucky I left early and didn't get into traffic!

She grins big.

Veronica: Tyler, this is my sister Mariella.

She motions in my direction as he looked to his left, smiling.

Tyler: Nice to meet you. You two are practically twins!

We get that a lot, where ever we go. We both have long black hair and dark brown eyes. We're the same height. But, I have my monroe pierced while Veronica has tattoo's and no piercings.

We also have very different personalities. She's loud and outgoing, while I'm soft spoken and laid back.

We shove our suitcases into the back of Tyler's car and drive off.

Veronica: I'm going to vlog this!

She pulls out her camera and points it at herself.

Veronica: Hey everyone, it's V. Tyler Oakley just picked us up from the airport!

She points the camera at Tyler. He takes one hand off the steering wheel to wave.

Tyler: Well, hello there!

Veronica: So, if your wondering why I left LA.. I flew back home to Georgia to pick up my new roommate!

She points the camera at me this time. I freeze a little, raising my hand up slowly.

Mariella: Hi..

I'm not camera shy or anything, I'm just not use to having one pointed at me so abruptly.

I guess I'll overcome that, living with my sister.

Veronica: My sister, Mariella is moving in today, so you'll be seeing more of her in my video's. So, we're on our way to my apartment and than going to get something to eat. See you there!

She turns off the camera, setting it in her lap.

We finally made it to the apartment after 30 minutes. I trudge up the stairs with one of my suitcases in hand. Tyler was carrying the other. It didn't help that Veronica's apartment was on the second floor and the elevator was broken. When we reached the door, Tyler and I had broken out into a light sweat.

Veronica: Welcome home!

She flung the door open and you could smell a flowery aroma coming from inside. The apartment was bigger than I had expected.

The living room was nicely put together. The kitchen had a lot of open space. When you walked down this small hallway, my room was on the right and Veronica's was on the left.

Best part, we both had our own bathrooms!

Mariella: Am I sleeping on the floor?

When I enter my room, it was empty. Only a medium size closet and a small bedside drawer.

Veronica: We'll have to go to Ikea and buy you a bed and anything else you may need.

I just nod.

Tyler: I can call Sawyer and tell him to meet up with us at the resturant.


Veronica: Great! He can come with us to Ikea too.

I mumble a question to Veronica.

Mariella: Who's Sawyer?

She raises an eyebrow.

Veronica: He's another Youtuber.. You've never watched his video's?

I shrug.

Mariella: I mean, I may have..

Tyler chimes in.

Tyler: He's a nice guy. You'll like him.

He takes out his phone and dials a number.

Tyler: Hey Sawyer, you wanna meet up with me, V and her sister to go eat? - Yeah, she just moved in with her - Were going to Ikea after to get her a bed and stuff - Same cafe we always go to - Alright, see ya!

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