Chapter 21: I would date me!

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This dinner didn't turn out like I thought it would. I'm sitting in Sawyer's clean car, red wine all over my nice skirt and two to-go boxes full of food that are getting cold. What else could possibly go wrong?

Sawyer: Are you okay?

I nod.

Mariella: I'm fine. I just didn't think things would turn out this way.

Sawyer frowns, continuing to drive. Thank god this wasn't a date! It would be too embarrassing. Although, my stomach was turning at the thought of going to Sawyer's place, again.

He parks, taking the boxes from out of my hand. He was such a gentleman. We got out and walk to his front door. He slid his key into the lock and turns the knob. I was once again in the same place that got me in deep shit with Veronica.

Which reminded me, I wonder if she's home yet?

He set the boxes down on the kitchen counter and told me to wait here. I close the door behind me and stood there patiently. He came back with a pair of dark grey sweat pants in his hand.

Sawyer: Put these on and give me your skirt.

I awkwardly look at the pants, than Sawyer.

Mariella: You don't expect me to change right here, do you?

He chuckles, grinning.

Sawyer: No. There's a bathroom over there.

He points to an open door. I sigh in relief, taking the sweatpants from him. I knew it was a dumb question to ask, but I just wanted to make sure. I walk in the bathroom and close the door.

As I take off my skirt, I hear footsteps coming from upstairs. His roommate must be home. I quickly slip on the sweat pants. They were really baggy on me. I then went into a slight state of shock realizing I was wearing Sawyer's pants. I shook it off, noticing I was acting like a complete idiot. I turn off the light, opening the door, my skirt in hand.

Mariella: Here Sawy-...

I froze.

Sawyer: Great. I'll go put it in the washer.

He walks towards me, taking the skirt out of my hand, heading in the other direction. I couldn't move.

?: Mariella?

What is he doing here?

Mariella: J-Joey-y??

Sawyer came back out and walks into the kitchen where Joey stood.

Sawyer: Oh Mariella. This is my roommate, Joey.

Roommate? Joey's, Sawyer's roommate?

Joey: We've met before.

Sawyer's eyebrow rose as he put the box of food into the microwave.

Sawyer: You have? Where?

I was still standing in the same place, but managed to articulate words.

Mariella: We met after my interview at the Cafe. He mistook me for Veronica.

Sawyer: Oh.

The microwave starts beeping.

Sawyer: Here's your food, Mariella.

I slowly walk over, taking my box from him. I watch as the steam flows into the air and disappears.

Joey: What's up with you wearing Sawyer's sweatpants, you spending the night?

My heart drops. He's getting the wrong idea!

Mariella: No, no, no. Sawyer just took me out for dinner to celebrate me getting the job at the Cafe. The waitress spilled wine all over me, so we came back here to eat and wash my skirt.

Joey: How did that happen?

Mariella: She did it on purpose. She hated me.

Sawyer interject.

Sawyer: Mariella thinks the waitress had the hots for me.

He hands me a fork.

Mariella: She did. You should've seen her lustful eyes, Joey.

Sawyer rolls his eyes, playfully.

Sawyer: Whatever. You can go sit on the couch and eat.

Joey was laughing as I walk into the living room. Hitch trails behind me, barking. I plop down on the couch, crossing my legs. Hitch jumps up beside me, giving me puppy dog eyes. He obviously wanted what I had.

Joey: Hitchy-anya, leave Mariella alone. She wants to eat in peace.

He picks up Hitch and sits beside me, putting him down onto his lap. The microwave beeps again as Sawyer takes out his meal.

Sawyer: How's your food?

I turn to him as he heads towards me.

Mariella: It's good.

Sawyer: I told you! Let me try some of yours..

I hold my box up as he sticks his fork into one of my Tortellini's.

Sawyer: Mmm, that is good. Here, try some of mine.

With his fork, he cuts a piece of his chicken and places it in front of my mouth.

He wants to feed me? This is so awkward doing this in front of Joey.

I open my mouth and gently take the chicken from his fork. I didn't have the guts to look over and see Joey's face.

Sawyer: So?

I nod, chewing. He smiles and takes a seat beside Joey.

Joey: You know, you two would make a cute couple.

I almost choke. What? Why would he say that? Is it because of the feeding thing. I knew I should've taken the fork from him!

Sawyer: Nah, I couldn't date Mariella.

I raise an eyebrow. Excuse me? What? Am I not good enough?

Mariella: Yeah. We're just friends..

"Couldn't date me.?"

He practically dated my sister. So, what's wrong with me? If I were a guy, I would date me!

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