Chapter 88: Uncomfortable.

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The horrid sound of my alarm awakens me. I groan, reaching out to grab my phone from off the bedside table. I squint, taping the snooze button. I set the phone back down and prop myself up with my right arm. The low sound of the tv caught my attention. I must've fallen asleep with it on all night. I slowly sit up to look for the remote. As I turn, my left hand lands on something warm and prickly. That doesn't feel like the remote??I look over and notice my hand is placed upon another persons arm. I look from the arm, slowly up to the persons face. My eyes widen in shock. Joey?! I quickly remove my hand.

"What is he doing in my bed?!"

I quickly look down at my body. I touch my t-shirt and stripped shorts. My clothes are on. I glance over at Joey. He had no shirt on. I gasp. Where is his shirt? I look lower. The sheets weren't fully covering his body. I notice the lining of his pants. I let out a sigh of relief. Oh, thank good! So, "that" didn't happen. I lightly scoot over, watching him sleep.

"Why is he in here?"

Last nights events start flooding back into my train of thought.

Joey: No, it's alright. I'm fine at a hotel.

Mariella: Don't be silly! I'm sure it costs you to stay every night.

Joey: Well yeah, but I don't mind paying.

Mariella: Joey, come on. You can stay till we find you somewhere else to live.

Joey: What about Veronica?

Mariella: She won't mind. She won't be back till Sunday.

Joey: Where will I sleep?

Mariella: In her room.

Joey: I don't think I should. That's your sisters room. I wouldn't feel right sleeping there without her knowledge.

Mariella: Alright, then I'll sleep in her bed and you can sleep in mine.

Joey: What about when she comes back?

Mariella: Hopefully before then, we can find something for you. Other then that, you'll have to sleep on the couch.

He looks away.

Joey: I don't know..

Mariella: It'll be just for a little while. I won't take no for an answer!

He stays quiet.

Mariella: Just think of it as saving money. I know you don't like staying at that hotel by yourself.

He stares at me before sighing and running a hand through his hair.

Joey: Fine..

I smile.

Joey: But, just for the week! Once your sister gets back, I'm gone and don't try to stop me.

I grin, raising a hand up in scouts honor. We both chuckle.

Joey: I guess, I'll go and get my stuff then.

Mariella: I'll finish up here, than you can follow me to the apartment.

Time passes and we're both standing in my doorway.

Mariella: This is it.

I switch on the living room light by the kitchen. He walks in setting his duffle bag on the couch.

Joey: I'll just sleep here, I don't want to kick you out of your own room.

Mariella: Joey, there's two beds. I don't mind sleeping in Veronica's room. Just bring your bag to my room.

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