Chapter 89: A scene.

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Claire: You can go home early today, Mariella.

I'm was surprised by her sudden outburst.

Mariella: Really? I thought you would want me to close up again?

Claire: You've been punished plenty enough.

"I knew it! She was still mad."

Claire: Besides, tomorrow's Thanksgiving and I'm feeling lenient. Evan can close up.

I devilishly smirk. Finally!

Evan: Someone say my name?

I turn around, roughly poking his chest.

Mariella: You're closing up tonight.

He raises an eyebrow.

Evan: Excuse me?

He brushes off my finger.

Claire: It's true. You're closing.

Evan: Why all of a sudden?

Mariella: Because, I get to leave.

I untie my apron, pulling the strap off from around my neck. Evan eyes me as I push past him towards the back. I clock out, smiling to myself. I halt when I hear something coming from the other side of the door. I lean in closer. A familiar voice. Than, an unforgettable laugh. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. I push open the door and stare straight ahead. There he was..Sawyer.

"What is he doing here?"

"He shouldn't even be here."

He looked like the same man I knew before, but he wasn't. He was much different. I rushed over as he and Evan continued to speak.

Mariella: What is he doing here?

Evan: He came to eat, what else?

I ignore his sarcastic comment.

Mariella: Why are you here?

Sawyer just blankly stares at me.

Sawyer: What's the problem?

His speech was fine and his face looked like the old Sawyer. He seemed to be functioning normally. Nothing like he was at the apartment that day.

Mariella: You know you shouldn't be here.

I turn and face Claire as she stands behind the counter.

Mariella: I'll see you Saturday.

She grins, waving. I take one last look at Sawyer before walking off.

Sawyer: Wait.. Mariella!

I stop. I don't know why, but my feet stop moving. I didn't turn around. I could hear him coming up behind me.

Sawyer: You're leaving?

I just look away.

Sawyer: We need to talk.

Mariella: Why?

Sawyer: Just sit down with me.

Evan: Let her go, Sawyer!

He ignores his remark.

Sawyer: Please..

I sigh.

Mariella: Okay.

We take a seat outside at a corner table.

Sawyer: Evan!

I watch as he walks towards us.

Sawyer: Bring me some water.

He looks at me before nodding and walking off.

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