Chapter 31: Give up already!

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Mariella: So? Who is Luke?

She wipes her eyes and nose, leaning back on the couch.

Veronica: I met him through Joey and Sawyer.

They use to be close?

Mariella: Were you seeing Sawyer at the time?

Veronica: On and off. I kind of ruined their friendship.

Mariella: How?

Veronica: Well, Sawyer had his girlfriend at the time and I would always confide in Luke about my feelings. He would always tell me to give up on Sawyer and move on to someone who truly cared and wanted me. After that, I started to spend more time around Luke because I felt he was right. Sawyer confronted me about 'being distant' and I told him that I had a few conversations with Luke about our situation. And, that's when things turned bad.

Mariella: What happened?

Veronica: They both got into a heated argument and things got physical. Sawyer said Luke was taking advantage of me and trying to steal me away from him. And, Luke called Sawyer a cheating piece of shit and that he was just toying with my feelings and only considered me as a booty call. It all ended when the cops were called and Luke was escorted out of the building. They beat each other up pretty bad.

This sounded too crazy! It was like some sort of twisted love triangle.

Veronica: They were really good friends, until I came along. They wouldn't hate each other so much if it wasn't for me.

I hope she figures out that she is doing the same thing to Sawyer and Joey.

Mariella: Do you believe Luke was trying to steal you away?

Veronica: I didn't before. But, he admitted to me a long time ago that he was trying too.

Mariella: So, now your seeing him. Exclusively?

She shrugs, sniffling.

Veronica: I mean, I'm not sure.

I'm tired of this 'I don't know' bullshit!

Mariella: Come on, Veronica! At least be honest with me now. Tyler said you told him you loved him. Is he lying?

She turns, giving me a disgusted look.

Veronica: Why are you asking me these questions, if you already know the answers?!

Mariella: Because, I want you to tell me the truth to my face!

She lowers her gaze to the floor. I continue on.

Mariella: I'm tired of hearing things from other people's mouths and not yours! Just give up already!

Veronica: Fine! I do love him, okay?!

Thank you! I think we're getting somewhere now.

Mariella: Was it really that hard to admit?

She nods.

Veronica: Yes, it was! I don't want to say it and than jinx myself.

I shake my head, grinning.

Mariella: You're not going to jinx yourself. Everything will turn out okay. All I'm going to say is that I want to meet him.

Veronica: You will at Vidcon.

Just as I thought.

Mariella: Well, I have somewhere to go before it gets late.

Veronica: Where?

Should I tell her? Or, should I lie? Oh, screw it!

Mariella: I'm going to Sawyer's to knock some since into him. Get him to let Joey back into the apartment.

She raises her eyebrows, getting up and walking down the hall.

Mariella: Don't you even feel a little bit bad?

She stops.

Veronica: Maybe next time he'll learn to keep him mouth shut!

Mariella: Don't be such a bitch, Veronica.

Veronica: Look.. I'm not going to stop you, but you should at least understand that it's not okay to tell other people's personal secrets.

She had a point.

Mariella: I'll be back.

She waves, going into her room.

I grab the keys, heading to the car.

Outside, it had stopped raining, but was now a little foggy. What strange weather for LA. I plop into the front seat and drive off. I hope Sawyer is easy to reason with.

Who do you Love? | Joey Graceffa&Sawyer HartmanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat