Chapter 24: Hateful fans.

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He pulls up to the Cafe, stopping the car.

Mariella: Again, thanks so much for the ride to work. You're a life saver!

Tyler: It's no problem. Just call me when you get off.

I nod, giving him a quick hug before getting out.

Tyler: Work it today, girl!

He snaps his fingers sassily. I giggle, waving goodbye.

I head inside the Cafe. It was practically empty.

Claire: Mariella, hey! You ready for your first day of training?

Mariella: Yeah. But, how am I suppose to train when there's no one here?

Claire: Mornings are usually slow. Things will start to pick up later in the day.

She leads me into the kitchen and shows me where to clock in. She then, hands me a black apron with a name tag attached to it.

Claire: This is basically your uniform.

I know, I'm just a waitress. But, with this apron on, I feel like I'm about to cook something. I slip the strap over my head, as Claire helps tie the back.

She gives me the run around on how to properly greet and serve the customers. She stands by my side as I assist numerous people coming in and out of the Cafe. I felt I was doing a good job so far. No mess ups and the atmosphere was really great. Until a young girl, holding an apron walks in.

Girl: I know, I'm a little late. I'm going to clock in right now.

She seemed really familiar as she zoomed past us. Claire rolls her eyes.

Claire: She's late again..

Mariella: Who is she?

Claire: That's Angie. I'm surprised you don't remember her. She's the waitress that waited on you and your friend the day you came to interview.

No wonder. She's the fan girl that forced herself on Joey.

Mariella: Trust me, I remember her. But, if she's late all the time then why doesn't she get fired?

Claire: If only it were that easy. She's the manager's niece.

Well, that definitely complicates things.

Mariella: Does he know she comes in late a lot?

Claire: I've let him know several times before, but that's his little angel. She apparently does no wrong.

I raise a curious eyebrow.

Mariella: "Little angel?" How old is she?

Claire: 17. But, acts 12.

Well, great. I just hope I can manage to get along with her.

Angie storms back out with her apron on, looking at me confused.

Angie: Who are you?

She turns to Claire even though she was clearly speaking to me.

Mariella: I'm Mariella, I just started.

She looks me up and down, before her eyes widen.

Angie: I remember you! You're the girl that was sitting with Joey Graceffa!

I hope she's not one of those hateful fan girls.

Angie: Are you dating him?

The expression on her face looked like if I said yes, she would stab me to death with a fork.

Mariella: Uh, no. We're just friends.

Her demeanor changed instantly.

Angie: Oh, okay.

She was now smiling happily. She is one of those crazy hateful fans..

We continue working until Claire said I could take a break. It was 4 o'clock and I didn't get off till 6:30. I liked the job, but it was very tiring going back and forth from the kitchen to the tables.

I sat down at one of the empty tables outside. I was thankful to get off my feet for a few minutes.

?: Looks like someone is already slacking off on the job.

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