Chapter 10: Left out.

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It didn't take long for Sawyer to reply back.

[Sawyer]- Okay. You want to come over to my place?

[Mariella]- I'll be there in a few.

He sent me his address as I search for the keys to Veronica's car. This was one of the faults of moving to LA. My car was in Atlanta, so I would have to borrow hers until I could eventually get my own. But, since I have no job or money, I'll just have to wait it out. I found her keys on the kitchen table. I yell loud enough for her to hear.

Mariella: I'm borrowing the car, be back later!

Veronica: Alright!

I'm shocked she didn't ask where I was going? Maybe she's too caught up in her editing..

I hop in the car, slamming the door shut. My nerves start to kick in. This was my first time going to Sawyer's apartment. We would be alone. Wait, I forgot, he has a roommate! What if it's a girl? Or worse.. His new girlfriend. I was over thinking things. If he had a girlfriend, he would say his girlfriend, not 'roommate'. I just need to calm down and think about what I'm going to say to him.

I put his address into my phone's GPS and started driving. I arrived after 20 minutes.

[Mariella]- I'm outside.

I wait for a reply till I look up and see someone looking over their balcony.

Sawyer: Come on up! I'm on the 4th floor!

I walk to the elevator, pressing the button. As the elevator shot up, butterflies filled my stomach. I don't know why I'm getting so nervous. I was just here to get Sawyer's side of the story. It's not that I didn't believe Veronica, I just wanted to hear what he had to say.

Maybe, I was just too worried about this 'roommate' of his..

As I exit the elevator, I saw Sawyer standing at the end of the hall. Leaning against his apartment door. He looked cute with his grey sweatpants and v-neck.

I need to focus though. No time for compliments. I head towards him, as he greets me with a hug. He steps back, gesturing me to enter. His apartment was nice and spacious. Somewhat bigger than Veronica's. As I look around, a small dog approaches us.

Mariella: Aww, who is this?

Sawyer: This is Hitch.

He picks him up, making kissy faces. I giggle, stroking his head.

Mariella: He's a cutie.

Sawyer: I know. He gets his looks from his daddy..

He places Hitch back on the ground and shows me to the couch. We sit down as I gaze around his apartment some more.

Mariella: You have a nice place..

Sawyer: Thanks. It was lonely when it was just me and Hitch.

Mariella: Is your roommate not home?

Sawyer: Nope. It's just me. I wish you could've met him though..

"Him"? Thank god. Now I don't have to worry about meeting some jealous girl.

Mariella: Maybe next time..

The room was silent. I wasn't sure how to bring up the subject. I knew he was waiting on me to start talking, but I was puzzled and out of words. I needed to think fast.

Sawyer: So? What did you want to talk about?

He broke the silence quicker then I had expected. My thoughts were jumbled up. But, I relax and just get straight to the point.

Mariella: Veronica found out about what you told me..

Sawyer: Which means you told her?

How did he know? Can he see right through me?

Mariella: It kind of slipped out during a conversation..

Sawyer: Was she mad?

Mariella: No. But, she told me everything.

Sawyer: Oh..

You could feel the tension in the room, building. I was glad I got it out, but I wanted him to say more then just "oh..."!

Mariella: She told me about you having a girlfriend at the time.

Sawyer: I loved her...

Mariella: If you loved her, than why did you hook up with my sister?

Sawyer: I liked Veronica.. I liked her enough to cheat on Blair and ruin everything..

Mariella: You shouldn't have slept with Veronica. You were just leading her on. She loved you..

Sawyer: Don't you think I know that?!

His demeanor changed. I didn't want this conversation to make him angry.

Sawyer: I know she loved me! I should have stopped her before anything happened..

Mariella: Why did you stop talking to her for months?

Sawyer: I was angry and upset. I blamed her for everything.. I never stopped to realize that I was just as much to blame as she was. I let things happen over and over again and I finally got what I deserved.

Mariella: You both made bad decisions. That's no reason to say you deserved-...

He cut me off, before I could finish.

Sawyer: I did deserve to get dumped! I ruined a 2 year relationship and I hurt a friend! If I could take it back I would..

Sawyer's leg was shaking uncontrollable. His frustration was building and I just wanted to calm him down. Comfort him.

Mariella: You don't have to be so hard on yourself. Veronica's alright. You guys are talking again and everything is okay..

Sawyer: Everything's not okay! I can't have her coming over to my house tipsy and coming onto me. Friends don't do that..

What? She didn't tell me that.

Mariella: She told me she just drove over and repeatedly apologized for everything and hoped you didn't hate her..

Sawyer: She did apologize. I told her it was fine now and I didn't hate her. She needed to go home. Before, I knew it she was on top of me practically begging for it!

So, she didn't really lie to me.. She just left out an IMPORTANT part!

Why did I have to learn all this the day before my interview..

I can't catch a break...

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