Chapter 19: What did you say?

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Still no reply from Veronica.

I sat on the floor in front of my mirror and start doing my make-up. It was now 5:40. I didn't cake on too much. Just eyeliner, mascara and light shade of eye shadow. I curl my hair, combing it out lightly to make a sort of a messy curl look.

I get up and rummage through my closet. "Slightly formal", he says.

A dress was out of the question. Jeans were a definite no. I decide to wear a solid black tank top and a tan flowy skirt that was short in the front and long in the back. I put on my black pumps and add a statement necklace. I walk out, checking myself in the mirror. Not bad.

As I continue looking at myself, I felt a knot form in my stomach. I was nervous. I hope I'm not overdressed.

I grab my phone, applying Chapstick before turning off the light in my room. I wasn't expecting to get kissed or anything. I just wanted soft lips.

I sat down on the couch in the living room. I look to my phone, 6:35. Sawyer would be here any minute.

I scroll down my contacts list and tried Veronica again. Last time!

"The number you are trying to reach is currently not accepting calls at this time, please-..."

Damn it! She turned off her phone.

'LC'? Who could that be? It's a strange name for a person. I wonder how she met them?

As I sat there, dazed in thought, my phone went off.

[Sawyer]- I'm outside :)

The knot in my stomach grew bigger. I peek out the window and there he was, like he said. I gather up the courage to leave by repeating to myself, "You'll be fine. It's not a date". I lock the door behind me, before heading down the stairs.

As I approach his car, I took a deep breath. Just a friendly congratulations dinner. Nothing else. Just be calm and act like you always do.

I had my hand on the car handle, about to open it, when Sawyer jumps out.

Sawyer: Let me get that for you.

He walks over to my side as I got a quick look at him. He looked handsome. He had on a white button up shirt, with a few of the buttons undone. His collarbone and upper pecks were exposed. I could help but stare. His tan skin compliments his dark pants. I couldn't believe this was the guy I had met at the Cafe a few days ago.

I hadn't noticed he was checking me out as he opened the car door.

Sawyer: You look great.

I open my mouth to thank him, but nothing came out. I was too flustered to speak. Just say something!

Mariella: S-so do y-you-u..

Why the stutter? He definitely knows I'm nervous now.

He smiles, motioning me to get in. I sat down as he shut the door and ran over to the other side. He hops in, driving off.

We sat there in silence. I was fiddling with my phone, looking around. The inside of his car was nicer than the outside. Not saying that his yellow paint job was ugly or anything. The untouched black interior, shiny dashboard and spotless floors made me wonder if he ever drove his car. It looks like he just bought it. The scent of a new car fills the air.

Mariella: Your car is really clean.

Really? That's all you could think of? This dinner is doomed.

Sawyer: Aha, yeah? I like to keep her looking new.

Should've seen the feminine reference coming.

The awkward silence commenced again. I wasn't as nervous anymore, but I felt uneasy. I needed to start acting like myself.

Mariella: So, where are we going?

Sawyer: It's this really nice Italian restaurant. I think you'll like it.

Mariella: If it's like the Olive Garden, than we're both overdressed.

He chuckles.

Sawyer: It's much fancier than that.

Everything seemed to be going well so far. I was acting normal and the knot in my stomach was loosening up. As we were stop at a red light, my mind thought back to Veronica and the E-mails.

Mariella: Can I ask you something?

He may or may not know this person. But, it's worth a shot.

Sawyer: Sure.

Mariella: Do you know anyone named 'LC'?

The light turns green as he continues driving.

Sawyer: 'LC'? No. It doesn't sound familiar.

Mariella: Oh well, Ver-...

Wait! I can't say anything about me reading Veronica's personal emails. I definitely will be a snoop in his eyes.

Mariella: I mean.. I got an email from someone named 'LC'. It must've been a mistake, because they told me to meet them before they went back on tour. But, I don't know anyone by that name.

I look to Sawyer. He seemed like he was deep in thought. I wanted to say something, but what? It was stupid of me to ask.

Mariella: Neverm-...

Sawyer: Luke.

What? Did he say, Luke?

Mariella: What did you say?

I noticed we were parked in front of the restaurant. When did we get here?

Sawyer: I know someone who has been on tour for awhile with the initials 'LC'. His name is Luke Conard.

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