Chapter 36: Does it matter?

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Meghan: So, are we clear?

Mariella: Uh, yeah?

Meghan: Good! I'm glad we talked.

She's acting so creepy.

Mariella: I'm gonna go now. I have work tomorrow.

Meghan: Aww, okay.

She pulls me in for a hug. Why is she being so nice when she clearly doesn't like me? I lightly pat her on the back.

Meghan: I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship.

Mariella: Um no.. Not at all.

I literally would say anything to get the hell out of there.



Mariella: You were right.

Veronica: About?

Mariella: She's crazy.

Veronica: What happened?

Mariella: She told me to stay away from Joey.

Veronica: What the hell? And, you're going to do what she says?

Mariella: What does it matter. Joey doesn't want to see me anyway.

Veronica: I wouldn't let her scare you.

Mariella: I'm not scared of her! I just don't understand why she's telling me to stay away? What have I done?

Veronica: Maybe, she feels threatened.

"Her?! I was the one who was threatened!"

Mariella: I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed.

I open my bedroom door and set my phone to charge on the bedside drawer. I was too tired to change into pajamas, so I just dove under the covers.



I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I kept tossing and turning, waking up every other hour. My eyes wouldn't stay shut for 5 minutes. I was awake until my alarm went off. I got up and took a quick cold shower, hoping it would liven me up.

I brush my teeth, glaring at my pale face and dark circles under my eyes in the mirror. I looked terrible! But, I had no choice but to toughen up and push through the day.

I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a low cut top. I did my hair in a side fishtail braid and put on a pair of feathered earrings. I cover up my dark circles with a ton of concealer. It was somewhat useful. I finish my eye make-up and look hard at myself in the mirror. I looked decent, but felt like crap. I grab my phone and head out the door.

When I reach the Cafe, I notice a familiar face talking to Claire. I park, walking towards them.

Claire: There she is.

The face turns around, flashing a bright smile at me.

Sawyer: Hey!

This is the first time he came to see me at work.

Mariella: Hey.

I try to smile, but my head was pounding. He wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. He cologne smelled so good.

Sawyer: You feel warm, Mariella.

He places his hand on my forehead. I didn't feel warm?

Sawyer: You okay?

Mariella: I'm fine. I'll be back, I have to go clock in.

I walk through the cafe, to the back of the kitchen. I could feel my heartbeat in my hand as I punch my card in. Something felt off. I went back out and saw Sawyer looking at me. His lips were moving, but I couldn't comprehend or even hear what he was saying. All I could hear was my footsteps. I stop. Sawyer's expression changes as he came running towards me.

Why was he making that face?

Who do you Love? | Joey Graceffa&Sawyer Hartmanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن