Chapter 92: Intervention Part 2

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Joey holds up the gold key linked to his car keys.

Joey: With my key..

Evan smirks.

Evan: You know you two are trespassing in my home..

I quickly retort.

Mariella: Since when is this "your house"?

Evan: Since the day, Gatsby and I moved in.

He pats the golden retriever on the head.

Joey: You're sleeping in my room, you know.

He raises and eyebrow.

Evan: Didn't Mariella relay you my message??

He looks over to me, than back to Joey.

Evan: Thanks to you, that room belongs to me now. I appreciate you getting kicked out and giving me a place to live.

Mariella: Screw you, Evan!

Evan: When do you want too?

I glare at him. He chuckles in amusement at his childish joke.

Evan: At least I'll get some, since you wouldn't fuck with Sawyer..


I stare at him, shocked.

Evan: Don't look so surprised, Mariella.. Sawyer tells me everything. You should've known that's all he wanted from you. I mean, he got your sister-...

Joey: Shut the fuck up, Evan!

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

Sawyer: Evan, What's-..?

He pauses looking at Joey and I.

Sawyer: Why are you here?

He stares at Joey.

Joey: You need help Sawyer..

Evan starts laughing.

Evan: That's what this is about?!You're wasting your time..

Sawyer looks to me.

Sawyer: You told him??

I couldn't speak. I was stiff as a board. His presents now made things very unsettling.

Sawyer: Why would you tell him?! There's nothing wrong with me! I don't need help!

Joey takes over.

Joey: Sawyer, stop! You're sick-...

Sawyer: You stay out of this! I don't even know why you showed your face here?!

Joey: Mariella asked me to help her.

He glances back and forth at us.

Sawyer: You two are together.?

I correct him.

Mariella: No-...

Sawyer: You're dating? I knew it! You two were planning against me the whole time! Coming to rub it in my face?!

Joey: Sawyer, we're not together. We came here as your friends to help you.

Sawyer: You are not my friend! You've never been a friend to me!

Mariella: That's not true Sawyer, and you know it!

He walks over, gripping the sides of my arms.

Sawyer: Why are you doing this to me?!

I squirm around, trying to free myself.

Mariella: I want to help you!!

Joey grabs Sawyer's left arm.

Joey: Let go of her..

Sawyer's grip tightens around my forearms.

Mariella: Sawyer, p-please..

Joey tries to pry Sawyer off me.

Joey: Sawyer! Let go!

Evan jumps in and grabs Joey from behind.

Joey: You bastard, get off me?!

Joey struggles around in Evan's grasp.

Evan: Get the hell out or I'm calling the police!

Evan shoves Joey towards the door, he stumbles forward before gaining his balance back. When he turns around, Evan punches him in the face.

Mariella: Stop!

The corner of Joey's mouth begins to bleed. He wipes some of it away with his coat sleeve.

Sawyer lets go of me, walking over to Evan, roughly placing a hand on his shoulder.

Sawyer: It's not worth it..

I run over to Joey.

Mariella: Are you okay??

He shakes his head, blood still dripping down his chin.

The door opens revealing an older woman with brown hair.

Evan: Who the hell are you?!

She pays no attention to Evan and briskly scans the room, landing on her target.

Woman: Hello, Sawyer.

His eyes widen.

Sawyer: Ann??

He looks over at Joey and I.

Sawyer: I can't believe you..

Joey: It's for your own good, Sawyer.

The bright veins in Sawyer's forehead are completely visible.

He's become a monster.

Sawyer: You're putting me away again?! I don't need any help!!

Evan: I'm calling the police!

Ann steps forward.

Ann: I wouldn't do that.

Evan: Watch!

He pulls out his phone.

Ann: Your putting Sawyer and yourself at risk of being locked up. You both could be charged with possession.

Evan stops dialing.

Mariella: Just take the help, Sawyer..

He glares at me with pure hatred.

Sawyer: I don't need it! I can quit on my own!

Ann: Sawyer, this facility is a wonderful place. It's in Florida-...

Sawyer: I'm not going! I won't!!

Joey: It's just 90 days-...

Sawyer: 90 days of being kept in a hell hole! I won't let this happen again?! Get out of my apartment!!

?: Hunny. Just take the help..

Sawyer turns around, recognizing the familiar face

Sawyer: M-mom??

His eyes begin to fill with more rage as he slowly turns in Joey's direction.

Sawyer: You.. You called her..

Before I could speak, Sawyer charges at Joey, tackling him to the ground. They both grunt and yell as Sawyer finally pins him down. He balls his hand into a fist and punches Joey.

Mariella: Sawyer, no!!

Sawyer's mother and Ann rush over, trying to break up the fight. I become overwhelmed as Sawyer punches Joey once again.

Mariella: Sawyer, stop! He didn't call her, I did!

Before he threw another punch, he pauses. His mother pulls him off Joey.

Ann bends down beside Joey, touching his face. She quickly turns to me.

Ann: Get me a towel!

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