Chapter 84: Take it easy.

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Doctor: Now, how did this happen again?

Veronica: She got into a fight..

You're probably wondering why I'm at the hospital now. I thought everything would be fine, but my stomach told me otherwise. After talking with Joey and him urging me to see a physician, I went home and tried to get some sleep. Around 12:30, maybe one o'clock, I awoke to minor pains in my mid area. I assumed I had slept in an uncomfortable position for too long and it began to irritate my stomach. But, I also thought this could be the start to something much serious. The pain didn't cease as I laid in bed. It didn't hurt too bad, but I gave up the fight on hiding it from Veronica and woke her up. Of course, she flipped out and demanded to know who did this to me. I explain in detail the confrontation with Meghan, but left out as to why I needed to speak with Joey. She stops me as I spoke about Jc and Connor pulling us apart. I guess she had, had enough and we jumped in the car.

Doctor: This will hurt, but I'm going to feel around and you tell me where you experience the greatest amount of pain.

I nod, laying back on the examination bench. He presses the tips of his fingers firmly around and on the bruised area. I held back as it twinges with sensitivity.

Doctor: Is it bad in this area?

I shake my head.

Doctor: How about here?

Mariella: Not really..

He pats my knee, signaling to sit up straight. I slowly lift up my upper half, swinging my legs over the side.

Doctor: The good news is, nothing seems to be punctured. I'm glad you came in when you did. Your stomach is just very sensitive at the moment and can easily be aggravated by the slightest of movements. I'll prescribe you a mild pain killer, which you will take once every morning with food. For now, please just take it easy for awhile. The bruising should clear up in about a weak and a half. Come back if you have any further uncomfort.

He rips off a page from his pad and hands it to me. I take it, half smiling.

He opens the door for me as I walk out to Veronica who is sitting in the waiting room. She lifts her gaze up from the magazine she was reading. She tosses it into the pile of others beside her on the small table.

Veronica: So? Is everything okay?

Mariella: Yeah. Nothing serious.

Veronica: Thank god. Why didn't you call me when this happened?

Mariella: I never got to tell you. She threw my phone into the fountain and that's how it all started.

We walk out, making our way to the car. I slip into the passengers side, slumping down.

Veronica: Are you going into work tomorrow?

Mariella: I have too..

Veronica: There's no way.

Mariella: Veronica, I can't call in sick.

Veronica: Then, I'll do it for you.

Mariella: I don't need you acting like mom.. I'll go out in the morning, pick up these pills and get myself a new phone. I'll be fine tomorrow.

Before she could retort back, her phone begins to ring.

Veronica: Hello?

Her annoyed face turns to shock.

Veronica: Luke? Why are you calling so late?-
No, I'm leaving the hospital.-
No, I'm fine. I had to take Mariella.-
I've missed you..-
What? What are you talking about?-

I froze.

Veronica: I don't know what you're talking about?-
I'm not lying! I don't even hangout with him.-
Well, that's not me!-

I sit up, taking the phone away from her.

Veronica: Mariella?!

I curse myself for sitting up too quick. My stomach throbs. I clear my throat, speaking up.

Mariella: Luke..

Luke: Put Veronica back on the phone.

"He's mad. This is my fault."

Mariella: Don't be upset with her. She's telling the truth. That's not her, it's me..

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