Chapter 27: Sawyer's past.

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I wake up to the sound of hard banging and my cellphone ringing off the hook. I didn't mean to fall asleep! It just happened. I quickly answer, rubbing my eyes.

Mariella: Hello?

Joey: I'm at your door! I've been knocking and calling you..

I spring up.

Mariella: Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, I fell asleep!

I run to the door with my cellphone still at my ear. I open it and there stood Joey. He was smiling even though I'm sure he was annoyed I took so long.

Mariella: I'm sorry.

He starts to chuckle.

Mariella: What's funny?

He points to his eyes.

Joey: You have make-up all under your eyes.

What? I do?

Mariella: Uhh, come in and I'll be out in a second.

I hurry to the bathroom. The horror on my face when I saw myself in the mirror. I look like a raccoon! Or, like someone had given me two black eyes, I can't believe I opened the door looking like this! How embarrassing. He even laughed at me!

I grab the small bottle of make-up remover in my medicine cabinet and clean up under my eyes. I walk back to Joey feeling like an idiot.

Mariella: I'm sorry you had to see that.

He slowly shakes his head.

Joey: Its fine. It wasn't that bad.

But, you laughed?

Mariella: How long were you waiting outside?

Joey: Like 15 minutes. You must be a heavy sleeper?

Mariella: Maybe? Sorry.

Joey: You don't have to keep saying your sorry. I understand.

I was getting nervous and fidgety.

Mariella: So, what did you want to talk about?

His smile fades and he becomes serious.

Joey: Are you starting to get feelings towards Sawyer?

Well, he doesn't hold back.

Mariella: No. Why do you ask?

To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about Sawyer.

Joey: I just thought since you two went out to dinner-...

I shake my hands.

Mariella: No, no, no! I told you, he was just taking me out to congratulate me on getting the job at the Cafe. It was nothing like 'that'.

He looks down to the floor.

Joey: I just thought if you were, I would tell you about Sawyer's past.

His past?

Mariella: What about his past?

Joey: Well. Um, he had a thing with your sister.

He knows about that too? Well, of course he knows. He lives with Sawyer.

Mariella: Joey, I already know about that.

He raises his head.

Joey: You do?

Mariella: Yeah, Sawyer's the one who told me.

Joey: He did? He told you everything?

Mariella: Well, he told me they had a thing, but I learned the rest from Veronica.

Joey: Oh. Well, that's not all of Sawyer's past.

I not sure I feel right about hearing this from Joey. But, I want to know.

Joey: Sawyer use to be a drug addict.

He has to be joking.

Mariella: I don't-.. I don't know what to say.

Joey: It wasn't anything like Meth or Heroin. He just used Cocaine.

I was speechless. Sawyer doing cocaine?

Mariella: How did you find out?

Joey: I walked in on him shoot-..

I raise a hand, not wanting to hear anymore. This is too surreal.

Joey: He told me to keep it a secret, but I couldn't. I ended up telling his parents and they sent him to rehab.

Mariella: How long ago was this?

He scratches the back of his head.

Joey: What matters is that Sawyer has been clean for a year.

A year? Wait a minute.

Mariella: Were Sawyer and Veronica seeing each other when he was using?

He purses his lips, closing his eyes.

Joey: That's the other thing. They both used together.

The apartment door opens.

Veronica: Mariella! I'm-...

She turns and notices Joey and I on the couch. I look at her confused and in disbelief.

Veronica: You didn't..

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