Chapter 5: Challenge?

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Sawyer and Tyler left the apartment around 10. All we did before then was sit around in the living room and talk. They had mentioned Vidcon was coming up in a few weeks. I had never been to any 'con' before and it seemed pretty exciting.

I fell asleep at 12 and was awakened the next morning to a text. I rub my eyes, checking the time on my phone. It read '12:20'. I usually stayed up late and woke up mid afternoon back home, so I wasn't surprised by the time. I look at the text and it was sent by a number I didn't recognize.

[?] - Hey Mariella, it's Sawyer. Sorry to text you so early. Just wanted to say I had fun hanging out yesterday and we should do it again sometime! :)

I totally forgot Sawyer had asked for my number before he left. Wait..."Sorry to text you so early??", It's only 12?

What is he talking about?

Turns out, my phone never changed time zones, so it was still on Eastern Standard time. It was actually 8:20!

You've got to be kidding me?!

[Mariella]- Hey! I had a good time also and we should hang out again! :) Also.. Don't worry about the early text. My phone never changed the time, so I thought it was 12 instead of 8. You can imagine my shock

He replies back in a matter of seconds.

Was he waiting for my text?

[Sawyer]- Lol, that sucks! Go back to sleep and I'll talk to you later.

I smile to myself as I set my phone down on the bedside drawer. I tried to fall back asleep, but I just ended up tossing and turning and staring around the room. So, I just got up and started unpacking my things. I was putting clothes into my closet when Veronica came in.

Veronica: You're up early? Couldn't wait to start the day.?

Mariella: Yeah, funny story..

I told her about my phone not changing the time and how Sawyer had texted me.

Veronica: So, what do you think of mister Sawyer Hartman??

Mariella: I mean, he's a nice guy..

Veronica: When you say "nice guy", you mean 'hot', right?

I rolled my eyes at her comment.

I mean, she was right.. He was good looking. But, I prefer the term 'cute' instead of 'hot'.

Veronica: Anyway.. I'm glad your up because I'm making a main channel video today and I want you to be in it!

Mariella: Okay.. What is it about?

Veronica: I was thinking Q&A or Challenge video. Which do you like?!

Why was she asking me?? She's the 'famous' Youtuber!

Mariella: I don't know. What kind of Challenge?

Veronica: Well Sawyer and Tyler did the Cotton Ball Challenge.. Ever heard of it?

I shook my head. Veronica ran out of the room and came back in with her laptop. She shows me their video and they were hilarious together! I mean their bickering yesterday was funny, but this was 10x better!

Mariella: So, we basically are blindfolded, scooping cotton balls into a bowl on our head with a spoon and than we have to guess how many we got.. While drunk??

She chuckles.

Veronica: Well, they both had been taking shots way before they made the video. We don't have to drink..

Mariella: What?! The game seems boring without the boozes.

Before I knew it, I was sitting in a chair, in the living room, in front of the camera, holding a bowl of cotton balls.

Veronica was adjusting the lighting and camera. She had went out to the store while I was getting ready and bought the vodka. I was a little nervous, because I had just turned 21 not to long ago and I was now about to down shots if I failed at this challenge.

I mean, I had drank a few times as I teen.. Who hasn't?! But, I had never gotten drunk before.

Veronica: Alright, we have everything. You ready?

I nod.

Mariella: Ready as I'll ever be...

She turns on the camera, sitting down in the chair beside me.

Veronica: Hey you guys, it's V! So, for todays video, Mariella and I are going to be doing the Cotton Ball Challenge!

I smile and raise the bowl of cotton balls up to the camera.

Veronica: You may have seen Sawyer and Tyler do this Challenge and we are literally copying them! So, if you don't remember, we are blindfolded and get 5 scoops each. At the end, we have to guess how many cotton balls we got and if we get the number wrong...

She lifts up the vodka bottle, shaking it.

Veronica: We have to take a shot of this bad boy!

Mariella: So, get ready to see sloppy drunk V! Because, I'm feeling pretty confident about this.

Veronica: Well, since you're so confident.. How about you go first!

I grab the blindfold, covering my eyes. I put the empty bowl on my head and Veronica hands me the spoon.

Veronica: Okay here's the cotton bowls.

She leads my hand and places the spoon into the bowl. I dig to the bottom and lift up my first scoop.

Veronica: Be careful. Don't want to spill any..

I take my last 4 scoops and start to think about how many I may have gotten.

Mariella: Uhhh, I think I got at least one.

I take the blindfold off and look at the bowl. It was empty!

Veronica: Alright, miss confident.. Take your shot!

She pours the vodka to the very top of the tiny shot glass.

Mariella: Cheers, I guess..

I close my eyes, downing the whole thing. It burn't my throat as it slid down, but it wasn't too bad.

We continue playing and both took our fair share of shots. We crack some jokes and ramble on during the video.

In the end, Veronica won by just one.

Veronica: Looks like I won!

She dumps the bowl of cotton balls on my head.

Veronica: If you liked this video give it a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button!

Mariella: Sawyer, Tyler.. If you're watching this, you made this Challenge so much better by adding shots!

I throw a few cotton balls towards the camera, smiling.

Veronica lifts the bottle of vodka up in the air, chanting.

Veronica: Woo!! I love you guys, new make-up tutorial tomorrow. Laattttteeerrrr!

She gets up, turning the camera off.

I end up passing out on the couch while Veronica was editing the video.

My unpacking was postponed another day.

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