Chapter 34: When?

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Meghan: What's going on, Joey?

I frown, giving off a confused expression.

Mariella: Megan? What are you doing here?

Meghan: I was waiting in the car. Joey and I are going on a date!

"A date?"

Mariella: Are you two.. Together?

Meghan: We are! Right, Joey?

I glance over to him. Seriously? He looks to her smiling softly.

Joey: Yeah..

When did this happen?

Mariella: Oh. Well. I'm happy for you two.

Meghan: Aww, thanks!

She links her arm around Joey's. I felt awkward and upset.

Mariella: I guess you do have a permanent place to live now.

He just stares at me. Meghan looks from me to Joey.

Meghan: What is she talking about?

Does she not know he got kicked out? Did he not even tell her?

Joey: It's nothing.

His demeanor was cold. Why was he dating Meghan? Did something happen between them since he started sleeping there? My heart went numb. I didn't want to know. I felt a small twinge of jealousy.

Mariella: I gotta go.

Meghan: Oh, okay. See you later!

I walk towards the Cafe entrance, looking back. Meghan still had her arm linked around Joey's. She looked so happy.

"I guess, she got what she wanted."

The rest of the day went by slow.

Joey seemed to hate me now. He was so different. I don't understand why he got so angry? I was trying to help him. He didn't even give me a chance to explain. In the end, he was right. Sawyer did say he wouldn't date me. Were we together now? He never really asked, or brought it up.

"What am I to him?"



I couldn't stop thinking about Sawyer and Joey. I know my feelings towards Sawyer. But, when I saw Meghan with Joey, I couldn't help but feel envious of what they have.

Veronica: Why so glum? Was work that bad?

Mariella: Joey came by again today.

Veronica: And?

Mariella: He's with Meghan.

She shrugs.

Veronica: So? He's always with her?

Mariella: No. They're together.

She smirks.

Veronica: Really? When did this happen?

I crinkle my nose.

Mariella: Why is that funny?

Veronica: I already told you. She's 'crazy' about him! I'm sure it won't last.

Mariella: Still bitchy I see..

I lay down on the couch.

Veronica: So, that's the reason why you came in all depressed?

Mariella: No. I told him what Sawyer said about moving back in and he flipped out on me.

Veronica: Who cares. Let him be mad.

Mariella: I care! I was trying to help him and he just starts yelling at me about liking Sawyer!

She gives me a puzzled look.

"Shit! I didn't mean to say that?!"

Veronica: You like Sawyer?

Time to come clean. I guess. I sit up, facing Veronica.

Mariella: When I went over to Sawyer's last night, we talked and things got a little carried away and.. We kissed.

"I said it."

Veronica: You didn't answer my question. Do you like Sawyer?

I bit the inside of my cheek, wanting to hold back.

Mariella: I-... I do.

Her expression was blank. I didn't know what she was going to do.

Mariella: Please, don't be mad.

She just smiles, wrapping her arms around me. I freeze, confused. What's going on? Is she attempting to strangle me?!

Veronica: Why would I be mad? You can't help who you fall for.

This can't be my sister. She pulls away, holding my hand.

Veronica: I'm not mad. I'm actual happy. Sawyer is lucky to have someone like you.

Mariella: I'm not even sure we're together.

She lets go of my hand, annoyed.

Veronica: If your playing around, you better stop!

I'm taken aback by her sudden outburst.

Mariella: I'm not! When we went out to dinner he said he would never date me.

She leans back.

Veronica: You went out to dinner?

Agh! Shit! She didn't know about that either. What's up with me spilling the truth?!

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