Chapter 80: So real.

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Mariella: If Tyler comes over, tell him to give me a call.

Veronica sat on the couch with a blanket draped over her shoulders.

Veronica: Alright.

I wave goodbye as I head out for work. Joey hasn't returned my call and I'm hoping Evan doesn't show up today. If I see him, I don't know what I'll do.

I had a terrible dream last night.

I got a call from Sawyer, but when I answered, no one responded. Worried, I drove to his apartment and found him lying on the couch, convulsing. I was in a panic. I dialed 911, but it wouldn't ring. I was screaming in horror and crying. Praying Sawyer would make it through this. In the end, I watch him take his last breathe. I watch his soul leave his lifeless body.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Tears filled my pillow. In that moment, I wanted to jump in the car and drive to his apartment. Just to make sure everything was okay. I'm sure no one would answer the door, but..

The dream felt so real.

I couldn't take another day, knowing what was going on behind closed doors. I needed Joey to show up. I parked the car in my usual spot and went inside the Cafe. I took a look around. No sign of Evan.

Angie: Mariella, you're back..

I jump at her sudden remark.

Mariella: A-Angie.. What are you doing here?

Angie: The new guy called in sick, so I'm back till he gets better.

"That lying bastard!"

Angie: What's up with you? You seem on edge.

Mariella: Nothing, I'm fine.

She gives me a stern look, than shrugs it off moving on. I go to the back, clock in and tie on my apron. It's only 1:15. I need this day to go by a little faster.

Order after order, the hours roll by. It's now 4:43. I smile at the customers, quickly jotting down their final order, before walking over and handing it to Claire.

Claire: What is this?

Mariella: I need you to cover my tables.

I slip off my apron and set in under the counter.

Claire: What? No.

Mariella: Please! There's something really important I have to take care of.

Claire: Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday about running off. You're going to get fired.

Mariella: I'll only be gone an hour. Just please, do me this favor.

I give her my sincerest look.

Claire: Fine! But, only an hour!

Mariella: I promise. I'll be back!

I run around the counter and out the door.




Mariella: Come on, Joey..

I hang up, redialing his number as I'm driving.

"Hey, sorry I missed your call. Leave a message and I'll get back to you."


Mariella: Joey, it's me again. I hope you got my message from last night. I'm driving to 'The Grove' right now. Please, tell me you're already there. Bye.

I hang up, pulling into the parking lot. I lock the car and run out. There's tons of people everywhere. I watch as several cars pull in. None of them Joey's. I check the time on my phone, 5:13.

"Where is he?"

?: Mariella!

I turn around, smiling in relief.

Mariella: Jo-...

"What? Why is?"

Meghan: You made it. She steps closer towards me.

Mariella: What are you doing here?

Meghan: I got your message.

Mariella: You have Joey's phone..

Meghan: No. I just heard your voicemail before he did.

I can't do this right now.

Mariella: Where's Joey??

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