Chapter 12: I knew.

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I took a seat at a small table inside the Cafe. My palms were clammy, my heart racing. I was nervous and I hoped it didn't show too much on my face. I had to stay calm and focused. I wanted and needed this job!

Manager: Before we start, I just want to thank you for coming this morning..

I'm not sure if I cut him off, but I chime in immediately.

Mariella: No, thank you! I appreciate you giving me this chance at an interview.

He smiles, continuing.

Manager: You are very welcome. So, tell me a little bit about yourself? Why did you apply for this job?

Mariella: Well, I recently turned 21 and just moved in with my older sister. We had eaten here the day I arrived and I enjoyed the food very much and my friend noticed the 'help wanted' sign and I thought, what a great opportunity to work at this nice Cafe.

In my head, my answer sounded good. But, as I spoke it just sounded cheesy.

Oh well, hopefully it buttered him up!

Manager: Have you had any prior job experience as a hostess or waitress?

Mariella: I have none. But, back in Atlanta I worked in retail. I'm sure I would enjoy working as either or. I learn quickly.

He made no comment.

Manager: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Mariella: I have good communication skills, I'm outgoing, I have great work ethic and work well with others. I'm good with numbers and know how to work a cash register. I don't consider my faults a weakness, but if there ever is a problem, I will work hard to solve the issue and make sure it doesn't happen again.

That sounded perfect!

Manager: How long did you work at your last job?

Mariella: This will hopefully be my second job and I started in retail at 19. Worked their for a little over a year.

Manager: How would you describe yourself in one word?

Oh, god. He's really grilling me.

Mariella: Willing..

Does that make me sound desperate? I kind of think it does..

He looks at me, than grins. I felt that was a good sign.

Manager: Do you prefer mornings or afternoons?

Was this a trick question?

Mariella: I like them both. I cope.

Manager: Good. Because, I would like you to start Wednesday morning.

I think my heart stopped. Did I just get the job?

Mariella: Really?

He chuckles.

Manager: Yes. Wednesday at 10 you will start your training with Claire.

I was thrilled! I couldn't contain my excitement. I just wanted to jump into this mans arms and hug him! But, I just extended my hand.

Mariella: Thank you! I greatly appreciate this! I will do my best and work hard!

He shook my hand, telling me I would get my work schedule the day I came in. I thank him once again, walking off as my stomach growled. I hadn't eaten anything all morning since I was going to be late for my interview if I did.

I walk up to the same girl from earlier and smile.

Mariella: A table outside for one, please.

She led me to a table by a large, shady tree and set a menu down.

Hostess: So, how did it go?

Mariella: Good, I start Wednesday!

Hostess: Congratulations! It will be nice to work with you. I'm Claire.

I grin, remembering her name being mentioned.

Mariella: It's nice to meet my new trainer, I'm Mariella.

Her face lit up. She was a pretty girl. Long blonde hair, brown eyes and a hoop nose ring. It suited her.

Claire: Well, I can't wait to train you! Your waitress will be out to take your order shortly.

I smile, looking over the menu. I wasn't sure what to get. I read each item and contemplated. Omelette, Fruit Parfait, Chocolate chip Waffles? I couldn't decide as my hunger intensified.

?: Veronica??

I turn around, when I heard that name being called out. The guy was looking dead at me.

?: I didn't know you got a piercing?

He clearly had mistaken me for my sister. But, I wasn't worried about that.

This guy.. I knew who he was. The dirty blonde spiked hair, those greenish-blue eyes and that gorgeous bright smile.

Inside I was freaking. He's Joey Graceffa!

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