Chapter 50: Youtube career?

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Veronica: Room 255.

She slides the card into the slot. The small light flashes green as she opens the door. The room was big enough for just 3 days. It had a medium size kitchen, sitting area, one bathroom and two standard beds. The hotel was less than 5 minutes away from the Convention center. I set my bags on one of the beds.

Veronica: Here, fill out your tag.

She hands me a black sharpie. I grab the tag beside my bag and beginning writing.

Name: Mariella Hernandez

Channel: _______

Mariella: Am I suppose to put your channel?

Veronica: No, just put yours.

Mariella: Why?

Veronica: So, fans can subscribe to you.

Mariella: But, I don't have any videos?

Veronica: So? Make some!

What kind of videos would I make? Is this the start of a YouTube career for me?

Channel: Mari_ella05

It sucks. But, I couldn't think of anything better!

Likes: ________

Mariella: What are you putting for "likes"?

She smiles, holding up her tag.

Name: Veronica Hernandez

Channel: MissBeautyV

Likes: Taco Bell, Make-up and My Fans :)

Should've known. I'll just keep it simple.

Likes: Music and Starbucks

Mariella: Done.

I set my tag on the bedside drawer between our beds.

Veronica: Well, let's go!

Mariella: Where?

Veronica: Out!

I check my phone.

Mariella: It's almost 7. Don't we have to be up extra early tomorrow?

Veronica: The signings not until 8:30. Going out for a little while won't hurt anything! Besides, there's some people I want you to meet.


Veronica opens the door.

Tyler: Hey?!

They hug.

Mariella: You made it!

I embrace him, looking around.

Mariella: Where's Sawyer?

Tyler: He's in the hotel room.

Mariella: Is he not coming?

Tyler: He said his leg was bothering him, so he's relaxing till tomorrow.

Mariella: Oh.

I was a little disappointed. He hasn't bothered to text or call me lately.

Veronica: Well, lets get going! Don't want to keep everyone waiting.


It's not going to be just us?




We walk down to the lobby and out the hotel entrance.

Mariella: So, what are we doing?

Veronica: Meeting up with everyone else, than going out for dinner.

Mariella: Who is "everyone else"?

Tyler: You'll see.

We walk down the sidewalk a couple of blocks before stopping. A huge crowd of people were standing outside a restaurant.

Veronica: There's our group!

You're kidding? There has to be at least 15 to 20 people.

?: Look who made it!

Everyone in the groups heads turn in our direction. A guy with dirty blonde hair comes up to us. Veronica gives him a hug, than turns to me.

Veronica: Mariella, I want you to meet Luke.

Luke: You were right, you two do look very similar.

He holds out his hand. I lightly grasp it, eyeballing him up and down.

Mariella: Nice to meet you..

He wasn't a bad looking guy. All I could think about was Sawyer and what he would do if he saw us with him.

Lisa: Mariella!

Mariella: Hey, Lisa!

We hug as Shane walks up.

Shane: You're here.

Mariella: Yeah. Hey!

He gives me a quick side hug.

Tyler introduces me to Zoe and Joe Sugg, Alfie and Marcus. I was nervous shaking hands and hugging them. I've watched many of their videos and never thought I would meet them in person.

Shane: Hey.. Joey!

I shiver at the sound of his name. Coming up the parking lot was Joey.. And Meghan.

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