Chapter 22: Want me to stay?

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After we ate, the three of us decide to watch a movie on Netflix. By the time it was over, it was already 9:55.

Mariella: I think I should get going. Don't want to be late on my first day at the Cafe tomorrow.

Sawyer: Alright well, I'll go get your skirt and take you home.

He leaves Joey and I sitting on the couch. Hitch was passed out between the both of us.

Joey: I hope everything goes well tomorrow.

I grin.

Mariella: Thanks.

He scratches the back of his head, gazing up at the ceiling.

Joey: I was wonder-...

Before Joey could finish, Sawyer comes back with my skirt.

Sawyer: Here you go. I'll be out in the car when your done.

I nod, taking my skirt from him. Sawyer swiftly exits the front door. I slowly standing up, looking down at Joey.

Mariella: What were you going say?

He just stares into my eyes before shaking his head, side to side.

Joey: Nevermind. Good luck tomorrow.

He gets up, giving me a tight hug before going upstairs. Finally, the passionate hug I had been waiting for! Okay, so it wasn't 'that' passionate, but it was way better than the side hug I got last time.

I just wonder what he was going to ask me?

I walk to the bathroom and quickly change. I set Sawyer's sweatpants on the couch and gently pet a sleeping Hitch before leaving.

As I get in the elevator, I decide to see if Veronica will answer her phone. It doesn't ring. Of course. It goes straight to voicemail. She has to be home by now? Could she still be out with 'Luke'? If 'LC' is even this Luke character.

I slide into the passenger seat, as Sawyer takes off down the road.

Sawyer: Any word from Veronica?

Mariella: No. She turned off her phone.

He places his right hand on my thigh. I clam up at his sudden touch.

Sawyer: Well, I'm sorry about what happened tonight.

Mariella: I-It's fine. It wasn't your fault.

I nervously smile, looking down to his hand than back at him.

Mariella: T-the food was still good though.

He smiles pleased, patting my leg before placing his hand on the gear shift.

Sawyer: I'm glad you liked it. Maybe, we could do this again sometime?

He wants to take me out again? Like a date? Or, friendly outing? He said he "couldn't date me". So, What's the harm?

Mariella: Uh, sure.

We pull up to the apartment and Veronica's car was no where in sight.

Mariella: She's still not back.

Sawyer: You think she's at a friends house?

Hell no! I know where she is.

She could've at least called and told me she wasn't coming home. Does she think I wouldn't worry about her?

Mariella: I don't know. I guess, I'll be home alone tonight.

Sawyer: Do you want me to stay with you?

Did he just offer to stay the night?

Mariella: No! It's okay. It's just for one night. I don't mind being alone at night. I'm not scared of the dark or anything-..

He starts laughing.

Mariella: W-what's so funny-y??

Sawyer: I mean't, do you want me to stay with you till Veronica gets home.

Oh. I over thought that.

Mariella: R-right.

Sawyer: Besides, I don't have any clothes with me.

What? So if he had clothes, he would've stayed? Why is my heart beating so fast..

Laugh it off. Just laugh it off. I awkwardly giggle, trying to control the situation.

Mariella: You're funny. I'll be okay though.

I open the door, turning to step out. As I try to stand, Sawyer grabs my hand. I spin my head in his direction.

Sawyer: Good luck tomorrow. I know you'll do great.

He smiles, adorably. Both his and Joey's smiles are amazing! Makes my heart melt.

Mariella: Thanks.

He drops his hand as I get out, closing the door. I head towards the stairs, as I hear the car window roll down.

Sawyer: I'll text you tomorrow!

I smile, waving my hand in the air.

Sawyer: By the way, I know I already said this, but you really looked great tonight!

My cheeks start to heat up. Good thing it was dark out or I'm sure he would have noticed how hard I was blushing.

Mariella: Back at'cha!

He grins, rolling up the window and driving off.

I reach the apartment and bust through the door. I was exhausted! My feet were somewhat sore from walking in my pumps. I just wanted to wash my face, strip my clothes off and get into something comfortable.

I wish I was still wearing Sawyer's sweatpants. They were nice and cozy.

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