Chapter 52: Only the beginning.

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There was a continuous knock at the door. I wake up, looking around. I don't remember falling asleep? I look at the clock beside my bed, 10:41. I get up, opening the door.

Veronica: Hey, feeling better?

She walks in, holding a plastic box.

Mariella: I'm alright, just slept it off.

Veronica: Sorry, I woke you. Here.

She hands me the foam box.

Mariella: What is this?

Veronica: Burger and fries.

Mariella: You didn't have to bring me back anything.

Veronica: I didn't. Luke bought it for you.

Why would he buy me food?

Mariella: I can't accept this.

Veronica: Just eat it. I'm sure you're hungry.

She walks into the bedroom. I sit at the small table, beginning to eat. She comes back out in pajamas.

Mariella: How was the dinner?

Veronica: Fun. Everyone asked about you.

Mariella: What did you say?

Veronica: You weren't feeling too great and that you would see them tomorrow.

Mariella: Oh.

I pick at my french fries.

Veronica: Is that really the reason why you left?

I can't go back on my lie now.

Mariella: Yeah, I'm feeling better now though.

She narrows her eyes.

Veronica: Is there something you're not telling me?

I shake my head. She's not buying it at all.




We end up going to bed at almost 12. Veronica set an alarm for 6:45. I of course, woke up 30 minutes before it even went off. I get up, take and shower and get done just in time. The alarm was buzzing as I unlock the bathroom door.

Mariella: Veronica, wake up! You know how long it takes you to get ready.

She groans, turning over. I turn on the lamp beside her bed. The light shines in her face.

Veronica: Really, Mariella?!

I smirk.

Mariella: Really.

I open my bag, putting on a black shirt that goes off the shoulder, shorts and my combat boots. I start to curl my hair as Veronica makes her way to the bathroom.

I put on silver hoop earrings and a necklace. I apply eyeliner, mascara and did a smokey cat eye effect. I add red lipstick, than slip my name tag around my neck, looking at myself in the mirror. I smile, pleased with my appearance. I finish before Veronica even starts putting on make-up.

Mariella: It's 7:39.

Veronica: Starbucks isn't too far from here. Take the car and go buy some coffee. By the time you get back, I'll be done. Let's hope.

I grab the keys, heading out the door. I pass by the rooms 02L are staying in. I wonder if they're up yet?

I get to Starbucks and buy two tall Java Chip frapes. As I'm driving back, I see tons of people walking towards the convention center. It's crazy all these people show up for Vidcon!

I park the car, both frapes in hand. Before I get to the entrance, I see Veronica walk out. I smile, until I notice Luke following behind. It's not that I don't like him. I just don't know what his motives are.

Luke: Hey, Mariella.

Mariella: Hi..

I hand Veronica her Frape.

Veronica: Thank you!

She takes a sip, than passes it off to Luke. He sips on the straw, while she holds it for him.

Mariella: If I would've known you were coming, I would have bought you one as thanks for the food last night.

He shakes his head.

Luke: Nah, it's cool. You don't have to pay me back. How are you feeling today anyways?

Mariella: Better.

Luke: I'm glad.

He flashes a sharp smile. I guess he's not a bad guy.

Veronica: Well, let's get going!

We walk down the sidewalk towards the convention center. Once inside, It was chaos! I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I stuck to Veronica, like glue. We manage to make it to the signing table, only getting stopped by a few passing bystanders.

The line for the signing was enormous! Well technically, it wasn't a line at all. More like a huge bundle of people piled together in a small area. Once they saw us coming, they all scream and howl like crazy! We said our goodbyes to Luke, because he also had a signing, as well. We sat down and start signing things, taking pictures and chatting with everyone for 3 hours. It was fun for the most part.

I had only been in a few YouTube video's and it seemed like everyone knew who I was. It was hectic, but I enjoyed every minute of it! And, today was only the beginning.

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